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The universe has it in for Sam and Bucky having delayed them for months in finding time to actually go on a first date. Finally it seems everything is working out when disaster strikes at a scene for Bucky.
Sam only just got around to finding time for a date with Bucky and he isn't about to let the universe decide for them anymore. They do what they can to go through with finally having that first date and getting together.

"Incoming patient."

"I got it!" Joaquín Torres, a third-year intern in his Emergency Department rotation called as a stretcher was wheeled through the open doors. "What we got Steve?" He asked the EMT who was kneeling on the stretcher, manually pumping air into the patient.

"Intubated at the scene, coded on the way in, chest compressions restarted the heart..." Steve listed off the medications and other procedures he had administered as a nurse took over pumping the air.

"Steve?" Asked Sam Wilson, a resident coming back from his break, "are there more coming? Is Bucky with them?" Sam asked, ready to leap into action. Something on Steve's face made him pause, "Steve, where's Bucky?"

"That is Bucky."

As Steve spoke the monitors attached to Bucky began beeping wildly.

"He's coding!" Sam pushed through and began administering chest compressions as Torres called for a crash-cart.

7 hours earlier

"You still here Barnes?" Sam asked, not looking up from his patient's chart as Bucky fell into step beside him.

"What? Can't an EMT bring his favourite hardworking doc a coffee?"

"He could but then I'd have to ask what his motives were," Sam said, though he still took the coffee and sipped. He fought the urge to moan when he tasted it, Bucky did not get this from the cafeteria. No, that machine could dream of making something half as good as this.

"Maybe I just like to see you smile?" Bucky said, flashing Sam his own dazzling smile and his beautiful blues.

"Now I know you want something, what is it?"

"You know what I want Sam, one date, I'll even let you choose the time and place," Bucky asked. Bucky had been trying to ask Sam out for months, since he had first laid eyes on the man, but something always got in the way. Work, patients, life.

"We've tried this Bucky, our schedules just don't match up," Sam sighed. He wanted to go out with Barnes, but at this point it felt like the universe was sending a message that they weren't meant to be together.

"How 'bout tonight? We both get off at 8, I'll pick you up, we can just go for drinks, see what happens, totally no-pressure situation." Bucky offered.

"Fine, it's a date."

"Shh sh, don't let the universe hear you, don't wanna jinx it when we finally have plans, do we?" Sam rolled his eyes playfully as Bucky's pager sounded. "Duty calls," Bucky said, "can I get a kiss goodbye for luck?"

"Dream on Barnes."

"Worth a shot Doc, I'll see you at 8," Bucky said, veering off towards the exit where Steve was waiting for him, doing nothing to hide the stupid grin on his face. "What we got?"

"Burning building, all hands-on deck," Steve told him, sliding into the driver side of the ambulance. "What're you so happy about?" Steve asked as he started the engine.

"I got a date, me, Sam and a few beers, taking it nice and easy, see what happens."

"Seriously?" Bucky grinned, looking out of the window. "I'm happy for you Buck, now let's see if we can go save some lives and get you back in time for clocking off."

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