Time Stone

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An issue with the Time Stone means that the wrong Bucky comes through a portal, leaving Bucky from just finishing his training in the present day. Sam let's him crash at his place and they grow close to one and other.

The Time Stone was playing up.

That was Strange's explanation as to why their Bucky had walked through a portal and, a much younger, wartime Bucky came out the other side. The Time Stone had affected the portal and while no one else was a younger or older version of themselves they had no idea how to fix it. Young Bucky was very confused. From what they had been able to gather he had just finished his Basic Training and had been on his way back to the apartment he shared with Steve. Sam remembered Steve talking about Bucky's return from his training, he showed up a few days later than he should have in time to save Steve from another fight he'd started.

This meant they had time...

Strange assured them that time would pass differently and when they got their Bucky back, it was possible he would have been away for minutes if not seconds. Sam didn't voice that surely the opposite could also be true.

"Can't you just send me back through?" Young Bucky had asked.

"No," came Strange's deadpan response. "If we did that there's no telling where you'd end up and we could have three of you out of place on the timeline."

"So, what do we do?" Sam asked.

"I will return to the Sanctum and do some research, until I have the answer do not tell him or let him learn about his future. Any knowledge at all could alter the present."

Sam nodded and watched as Strange left, traveling the regular mortal way.

"So, what're we gonna do with him?" Joaquín asked Sam. "Do we let him crash at Bucky's place?"

"No, that won't work, he still has no furniture. He can crash in my guest room, I'll have to stop by and get his cat though," Sam decided. "I hope she and Fig get along," he thought aloud. He walked over to where Young Bucky was and held out his hand. "Hey, um, I'm Sam, until we figure out how to get you back you can crash at my place."

Young Bucky smiled, damn he had a charming smile, "good to meet you Sam," he said getting to his feet, "I'm James Barnes."

"James," Sam nodded, trying the name out. It was simpler than calling him Young Bucky he supposed. "Come on, let's head out, there's a couple of things I need to do before heading home."

He showed James to his truck and drove to Bucky's Brooklyn apartment. Sam suggested James wait in the truck, so he didn't learn too much about his future and headed up. He'd taken Bucky's key from his go bag back at the Compound to let himself in. Inside he looked at the now familiar empty space. He understood Bucky didn't spend a lot of time here, but surely he needed more than a lawn chair. He gathered Alpine's things, her food, her bowl, her litter tray, her toys a scratching post and put them in a box that he took down to the truck before coming back to find the cat.

Alpine nimbly hopped up on the kitchen counter when he entered. She regarded him; she'd seen Sam before. He held out his hand for her to sniff and she bumped her head against his fingers. "Hey pretty girl," he said. "Your daddy's gone away for a little while, you're gonna come stay with me," he explained as though she really understood him. He coaxed her into her carrier and took her down to the truck to take her and his other house guest home.

James helped him get Alpine's stuff into his own apartment where Figaro, his cat, was waiting. Figaro brushed against his legs in greeting and Sam reached down to scratch behind his ears. "Hey Fig," he greeted. "I got a friend for you, temporary friend, but friend," he emphasised. He needed these cats to get along or he didn't know what he would do with Alpine.

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