WinterFalcon 4in1 (iii)

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Sam is punished for lying to The Soldier only he enjoys his punishment a little too much.


Sam watched while Bucky dismantled the machine and prepared for Sam's punishment. Sam tried to reason with him that he honestly didn't know where Steve was, but Bucky told him the more he lied, the worse he would make it for himself when the punishment began. Sam was anxious for the punishment; Bucky had offered no clue as to what it might be. Sam wasn't sure how long he was sat there for, but it felt like a good long while. Bucky brought him more fruit and he chose the mango slice. Bucky brought him more water and let him choose again, he chose the green one. He didn't know how long he was sat for as there was no way to measure the passage of time in the room.

Sam felt tugging on his arms, guiding him over the back of the chair and to a standing position. He stood Sam for a moment before taking him over to a table. He used his foot to knock Sam's feet apart, secured them to the table legs, and bent him over. Sam's arms were still bound behind his back, his cock hung limply between his legs and his legs were now tied to the table. Bucky's hand pushed his head down, so his cheek was against the table. The same hand trailed down over his spine and over his ass, teasing his used hole. Sam let out a whimper, his hole was still open from the toy but sensitive to touch.

"Let's recap here, you took advantage of my generosity, lied to me and still came. Well that there is three strikes and a punishment is required. You have such a spankable ass," he said, taking Sam's ass cheeks in his palms. "And I hardly think it's fair I didn't get to cum, so I'm gonna give you a spanking then I'm gonna fill this ass." Sam's breath hitched. Left him and came back with three more pieces of fruit. A raspberry, banana slice and a kiwi slice. Sam ate the kiwi and swallowed it, licking his lips as it was juicy.

Bucky's hand stroked down his spine again and Sam shivered in anticipation. Bucky walked away and returned. Sam felt cool leather brush over his ass. Sam knew it had to be the paddle from earlier. "While I'm spanking you I want you to think carefully about what you're gonna tell me next and remember that I don't like liars. Now let's do a count up here: You took advantage, lied, came without keeping to our deal, 3 strikes, I think ten spanks to a strike should add up. We'll start with our old friend the paddle, for the first ten at least," he said, stroking the paddle across his ass again.

Sam gasped sharply as the first blow landed on his ass.

"You better count and keep track or I might just keep going," Bucky warned, and Sam called out a hurried "one, two" when a second blow landed and continued counting aloud. Bucky's spanks with the paddle varied in hardness, much like when he had first used it on Sam. Bucky made sure to leave a few seconds between the spanks allowing the cool air to bring a prickly feeling to the skin of Sam's ass.

At 10, he stopped and put the paddle down, he stroked a hand over Sam's stinging ass. Sam whimpered and moaned at the sting. There were still 20 to go. Bucky's thumb pressed against his hole. Sam bit his lip to prevent himself from moaning. Bucky's thumb disappeared and then the first spank with his hand landed. "El-even," Sam choked out, a second followed moments later, "twelve," he counted. The spanks were hard, hard enough to sting the same way the paddle did, but harder, hard enough to leave marks. Smack. "Thirteen," he moaned. Smack. "Fourteen." Smack. "Fifteen."

Half way there.

Bucky paused, stroking Sam's ass again, Sam tried to move his hips, move his ass out of Bucky's reach as his hands irritated the sting. He whimpered, thrusting his ass away, it probably looked like he was trying to hump the table, but Sam needed some respite. "Please," Sam whimpered. Sam then realised with horror, that his body was enjoying the attention. Too much.

It started with the familiar heat pooling in his belly, his cock began to firm up as Bucky took hold of his hips, stilling him with a firm grip that would no doubt leave finger shaped bruises on Sam's skin. Sam felt the rough material of Bucky's jeans press against his smarting ass, irritating the skin. His hips jolted but he couldn't get away, if anything, he pressed further back into Bucky and he could feel Bucky's own body's reaction to their activities. Even with whatever had been done to him, his body found the noises Sam was making attractive, he found their activities enjoyable. And so did his own body. Which is what made everything more frustrating.

"Oh the things you do to me," Bucky murmured. "Fifteen more spanks and we can have some more fun. I might just have to fuck the information out of you, is that what you want? You want my big cock in your ass in exchange for your information? You drive a hard bargain," when he said hard, Bucky slowed his speech and gave a slow thrust against Sam's ass. Sam could only moan. "I'll call that a yes," Bucky said, repeating the motion.

Still with his jeans pressed to Sam's ass, Bucky raised his hand and slapped the side of Sam's ass. Sam began counting again as Bucky slapped the sides and top of his ass, getting all the way to 25 before pausing. Sam groaned, his face against the table, the hard surface now warm from his body heat. His heated cheeks burned as Bucky stepped back and made a smug noise. He knew what he was looking at. Sam's cock was hard almost fully hard between his legs. Hard from the spanking, hard from Bucky's groin pressing against his ass.

Sam gasped as a hand wrapped around his dick and started stroking.

"Look how hard you are," Bucky cooed. "I bet you want to cum, don't you?" He asked, swiping his thumb over the head of his cock.

"Yes, please," Sam's voice quivered.

"Not until you tell me where he is," Bucky said, continuing stroking. Sam moaned. He should have been embarrassed at how quickly he was ready to cum again, but he figured the circumstances were extenuating. This Bucky seemed to remember all of his buttons to push in order to get the information they thought he knew. "Tell you what," Bucky started, "I'll finish your punishment, then I'm going to fuck you, I'm gonna bring you right to the edge and then I'm gonna keep you there, until you tell me what I want to know," he said. "And I won't be holding back, I'm gonna fuck you and fill you until you tell me what we want. I'm gonna cum in you over and over again until my cum is leaking out of you with every thrust and you're begging to cum and I won't let you until you tell me where Steve Rogers is. Understand?"

Sam whined and nodded against the table, his hips were fighting the urge to thrust into Bucky's hand and it was becoming more difficult the longer Bucky spoke. Bucky's thumb pressed against his hole.

"I said, understand?"

"Yes," Sam gasped, "yes, yes, I understand!" He cried out.

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