Don't Stop

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"You want me to what?"

"I want you to jerk me off" Bucky repeats impatiently "And not stop untill I come again"

Sam blinks shocked

"You want me to what?"

Bucky pushes Sam on the bed until he is leaning completely against it with Bucky straddling his thighs

"I want you to jerk me off" Bucky repeats impatiently "And not stop untill I come again"

Sam frowns cupping Bucky's waist "so you want me to just...keep going right?"

"Y-yeah fuck Sam" Bucky breaths out when Sam squeezes his hips moving their bodies togheter

"Are you sure I mean I am not saying no but" Sam stops his movements to look closely at Bucky "isn't it going to be,I don't know,a little uncomfortable?"

"Sam as long as your hand is on my dick there is no way I am not gonna like it and also a little warning" Bucky stops to take his boxers off "I might get a little wild when you do it but that doesnt mean I want you to stop. Even if I tell you to"

"But" Sam stares at Bucky overwhelmed by the request "what if you actually want me to stop?"

"Safe word" Bucky murmurs "Boat, if I say boat you will stop what you're doing and we will talk about it and then continue or just stop and do something else"

"Okay yeah we can do that" Sam answers pushing Bucky on the bed with a sudden movement

"Wooh fuuck o-ok"

He wraps his hand, running his fingers up the shaft teasing the tip before he grabs it stroking slowly down and pulling back the foreskin.

Bucky sighs softly closing his eyes

Sam covers up a moan and he spits on his hand using it all as lube so the movement can be more pleasurable.

He strokes rhythmically and smoothly from the tip to the base and back to the tip.

"This how you do it too?"he asks,Sam noods easily

"Yeah" he breathes out, eyes fixed on his hand over Bucky's cock.

It felt different but so good.

The weight and the length were not the same as his, but the motions were familiar and it made it seem more intimate somehow, unlike the other times he'd done this for himself

"Tell me what you're doing" Bucky demands, eyes closed as he relaxed into Sam's deliacte touches. "What you like. I want to hear your voice turns me on so much p-please"

Sam flushes at how innocently that came out of Bucky's lips and he clears his throat "Well, I – um, I start slow, like this"

He strokes Bucky evenly, thumb brushing over the head at every other pass "nice, without any pressure, you know?"

"Mmmh" Bucky exhales, legs shifting wider

"Sometimes I really take my time" Sam continues, other hand coming up to brush along Bucky's thighs playing with soft skin
"Teasing and touching, I go for hours like this untill my body is aching and I come all over the sheets"

Bucky moans, body rolling against Sam's in a pleasuring way that makes him lose his breath and move his hips hardly against the hand that was stroking him

Sam breathes out, slightly speeding up his hand.

"We shouldtry that once" Bucky says breathing harder now that Sam had tightened his grip "See how long I can keep you from coming and teasing you on edge"

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