WinterFalcon 4in1 (ii)

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Sam wakes up in a strange room and discovers what The Soldier wants from him. He learns he's willing to get that information any way he can.


Sam woke feeling groggy as he looked around the dim room. The lights were tinted red and the walls were dark and looked padded, sound proofed. In the corner he could see a camera light blinking and a speaker beside it. He was laid on a bare mattress on an old creaky bed. He groaned; his sore muscles protested as he pushed himself up. What had happened to him? The last thing he remembered was Bucky advancing towards him- No, not Bucky, The Soldier. Sam tried to think, what possibly could have happened for him to have been triggered after everything the Dora Milaje did to break HYDRA's programming.

He dropped his head to his hands, he wondered what Bucky had done to him.

The speaker crackled to life and for a short time there was only static noise until an unfamiliar voice addressed him.

"How nice of you to join the world of the waking Mr Wilson," Sam frowned at the camera but didn't speak. "You possess information that we require, and we are prepared to get that information out of you by whatever means necessary." Sam looked around, frowning further, the room furniture in the room didn't exactly scream 'torture' to him, it was more what you would see in BDSM porn. He wondered exactly what means they were referring to, though worried he already knew exactly what they were. The voice continued. "Tell us Mr Wilson, where will we find Steven Grant Rogers?"

Sam's eyes widened and he laughed. They wanted Steve's where abouts? Good luck with that, he thought. He hadn't heard a word from Steve since he had handed the shield over, four years ago. He scoffed before addressing the camera.

"You got no hope there."

"We have ways to make you talk Mr Wilson."

Suddenly, Sam snapped his head towards the door, the sound of a lock opening. The handle moved slowly; Sam stood from the bed on shaky legs to face his captors. He watched, nervous as Bucky entered the room, closed and locked the door and stood as though waiting for instructions.

"Last chance Mr Wilson, where is he?"

"I don't know where he is," Sam responded.

"Suit yourself Mr Wilson." The voice suddenly switched languages to something Sam wasn't familiar with, likely to address Bucky. It gave sharp and precise instructions. Bucky's eyes settled on him, blank of emotion, and nodded. The speaker died and Bucky began advancing towards him. Sam pressed himself against the wall, gasping as he realised the plug was still situated inside of him, unsure whether or not to be grateful for that. Bucky stopped, his face inches from Sam's own and without a word began pulling at Sam's clothing, trying to get it off. Sam resisted, but Bucky was stronger than him.

"Bucky, Buck, no, don't do this," he pleaded, but his pleas were ignored. Unable to get his loose button down off, Bucky tore the front, the buttons scattered. Sam tried to fight back but Bucky turned him and pinned him against the cold wall, using his shirt to bind his wrists tightly, his chest bare.

The speaker crackled in the background, "You were warned Mr Wilson, feel free to volunteer the information at any point to make it stop."

"I don't know where he is," Sam ground out.

"Have it your way." The voice spoke in the unfamiliar language again and the speaker died.

Bucky's hands left his arms and reached around the front of his jeans and pulled open the fly and began dragging them down Sam's leg along with his underwear. Sam felt his cheeks heat up unexpectedly as Bucky paused, his face level with Sam's ass.

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