WinterFalcon 4in1 (i)

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// This is a fic containing a CONSENSUAL Non-Consent Role Play. All parties are consenting in the role play//

There would be 5 chapter in in this WinterFalcon 4in1 and the next 4 chapter should belong to this fics.

Sam and Bucky are heading away for the weekend to get some much needed alone time. Sam heads out to their vacation home first but then Bucky is late and Sam wonders where he is. When he arrives, things are not quite what they seem.

Presumed Dead

Sam drove the long winding road to his and Bucky's private cabin alone on a warm Friday afternoon. He had one of his arms resting against the rolled down window ledge and was enjoying the wind whipping by as he nodded and tapped along to the beat of his music. The cabin he and Bucky had found was very secluded and they had no neighbours in around a 4- or 5-mile radius. It was very private and suited them when they wanted to get away from everyone and everything and needed to decompress.

Sam had been Captain America for four years at this point and time off was few and far between. Not long after taking the mantle he'd trained Joaquín to take over as Falcon and the guy had really taken to his new role. Sam didn't feel comfortable taking his orders from a government that he knew from experience didn't care about everyone they were representing, so he had taken the title of Cap and returned it to the Avengers where he felt he belonged. He trusted Rhodey to make decisions about where he was needed. Sam liked the freedom he had with the arrangement because it allowed him to split his time between the Compound and his hometown with his sister and nephews. And it allowed him to spend time with Bucky.

The two of them had gotten over themselves and had stopped awkwardly tiptoeing around their feelings shortly after Sam had become Cap. Sam had really grown to care for Bucky when they had been made to work together fighting the Flag Smashers and for the first time since losing Riley, he felt like he could relax and let himself love another person.

About a year after Sam became Cap, Bucky had taken the decision to retire from fieldwork, except in case of emergencies. He worked at the Compound and due to his experience, he had been made head of training. He spent his time giving training and developing new training initiatives, which was why he wasn't currently driving up with Sam. Bucky had a day of meetings with various heads of departments at the Compound, finishing up with Rhodey later in the afternoon and was planning to join Sam later in the evening.

Sam pulled up to the cabin and got out of the car to stretch after the long drive. He moved through the house, opening windows to air out the rooms and prepare the cabin for their stay. They usually didn't manage to get out here that often, so he went around checking everything was still in working order before bringing his bags and the groceries he'd picked up in to unpack. Sam unpacked his clothes and the groceries before cutting up the veg Bucky had asked him to pick up for dinner that evening. Bucky's cooking had come on leaps and bounds since after the blip, after he had gotten out of the mindset of the 1940s and knew he had a plethora of fresh ingredients to work with. Sam washed the vegetables and left them on the side for Bucky to deal with later.

Sam checked his phone, Bucky should be getting ready for his final meeting of the day, with Rhodey, about his ideas for the new training ideas and initiatives. He'd asked Sam to look over his presentation the night before after several re-writes of his own and Sam thought it had looked good. He had assured Bucky that Rhodey would be crazy to reject the ideas and kissed him to distract him from his worries. Sam smiled thinking about the tender sex they had shared the night before. Bucky had teased Sam's nipples to the point they were still sensitive against the material of his polo neck today, a pleasant reminder of their evening, before fucking him slow, tender and lovingly, murmuring to Sam about how good he felt around him and how perfect they were together.

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