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Sam and Bucky finally escape to a much needed vacation on an island that Tony converted years back so Avengers and their families could get a decent and private vacation.
One afternoon while Sam is doing some naked reading and sunbathing, Bucky decides it's time to top up his sunscreen, after all, can't let America's Ass burn in the sun.

Sam didn't remember his last vacation that didn't involve screaming kids (other people's) or babysitting for his nephews. It was probably back when his parents were still alive. He couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten to just lay on the beach with a book. Scratch that, he didn't remember the last time he got to read a book. It was even harder now being Captain America, he loved it, he did, but anywhere he went, he would inevitably be recognised and once one person knew Captain America was somewhere, so did the whole world.

This was why when they had been told about Tony Stark's private island that had been converted into a vacation place for Avengers and their families, he and Bucky had leapt at the chance for some downtime. They were only going to be away for two weeks; it wasn't like the world was going to end while they were away. Things had been quiet for them and now seemed the perfect time to get away for their long overdue honeymoon. They'd had a quiet service a little over a year earlier, but missions came up one after the other, bringing new teammates that needed training before they could be officially considered Avengers. That time had finally come, and they planned to make the most of it.

The first week passed swiftly and smoothly. The staff, Pepper had assured everyone, had all signed NDAs, and weren't allowed phones with cameras while on the island as an extra security measure. Which was why Sam felt confident and comfortable enough to sunbathe naked on the beach while reading his book. He had an interview and a photoshoot the week they got back, so he needed to be sure not to burn. Bucky had helped him get a good coating of Sunscreen before he had come out, but it had been a while. As though he could read Sam's mind, Sam heard Bucky exit the ocean behind him between the crashing of the waves. He didn't need to look behind him to see Bucky run his fingers through his hair he'd been growing out and shaking the droplets out of it. Sam liked his hair; it currently looked the same as in his old Howling Commandos photos. Sam liked his hair like this, it was great for tugging on during sex.

Sam didn't look up when Bucky reached him, he planned to read to the end of the paragraph, but Bucky straddled his ass in a pair of fresh, dry shorts and leaned down to whisper in his ear: "Don't mind me doll, keep reading, just making sure America's ass doesn't burn." Bucky pressed a kiss to Sam's cheek and nipped at his earlobe before settling beside his thighs and reaching for the sunscreen. Bucky rubbed sunscreen into Sam's legs and straddled his thighs to apply it to his ass. He felt Bucky pour a more than generous amount of sunscreen onto each ass cheek and begin to rub it in, kneading Sam's ass like he was making bread dough. Being thorough enough to spread the cream between his cheeks before moving onto his back.

The end of the page turned out to finish the chapter Sam had been reading so he set the book aside and laid his head on his arms. "You better not draw a dick on my back," he warned, muffled by his arms, but he knew Bucky would hear him. He could hear the smirk in Bucky's voice as he replied:

"I thought you liked dicks?"

"I like your dick. You have forever ruined all other dick for me. I'm just hooked on yours."

"Well doll," Bucky's hands left his body, "if you say so." Sam was momentarily confused until he felt the weight of Bucky's cock settle on the small of his back and Bucky start to trace around it, even though the sunscreen had already been absorbed and rubbed in. "Better let you get in your fix."

"I have that interview with Vanity Fair next week, the one with the photoshoot and the workout video, if there's anything burned into my back I'll withhold sex," Sam warned, realising he'd been playfully distracted.

"We both know you would never put yourself through that," Bucky chuckled leaning down to get Sam's shoulders and back of his neck.

"I can always buy a dildo and fuck myself on that. I'll even tie you up so you can watch me."

"Mmm," Bucky purred in his ear, "sounds like a good show to me."

To lean down, Bucky had lifted himself from Sam's ass. Sam could feel Bucky's dick plumping up against his ass as he pictured Sam's threat in his head. Sam let his eyes close as Bucky leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"You're so tempting right now doll, warm from the sun, naked just laying here in waiting for what I could do to you," Sam smiled into his arms, Bucky's heavy cock nudged at his ass. "I bet you're still nice and good from earlier on," Bucky continued. A finger snaked between them and teased his rim, Sam pushed back against the finger. Bucky pushed himself up with his other arm and sat across Sam's thighs. He rubbed his finger over and around Sam's hole while blindly digging in their beach bag for some lube.

Bucky drizzled the lube over Sam's hole and pushed in two fingers with ease, earning a contented sigh from Sam. Sam lifted his hips, pushing back against Bucky's fingers. He hastened to stretch Sam on his fingers, adding a third soon after the first two. Sam moaned and sighed beneath him.

"Come on James," Sam muttered, "fuck my ass baby."

Bucky pulled his fingers out of Sam and picked him up to his knees with ease. He spread some lube over his cock and stroked it to full hardness. He poised his cock at Sam's entrance, pressing the head against his stretched rim and watched it open to up swallow him. "Come and get it if you want it doll."

Sam planted his hands on the beach towel beneath him and rocked backwards. Slowly he fully sheathed himself on Bucky's cock, until his ass was against Bucky's front. Bucky let out a slow breath, his arms pulled Sam back to his chest. One of his hands wrapped around Sam's weeping cock, the other squeezed and tweaked his nipples. Bucky rolled his hips, fucking Sam slowly, letting the length of his cock drag over Sam's prostate. Bucky's mouth nipped at Sam's earlobe and kissed along his neck.

Sam's hands reached back to touch Bucky, one squeezed his ass, the other he raised over himself to tangle his fingers in Bucky's hair. He turned to kiss Bucky, capturing his mouth. "You feel so good," Sam murmured. Bucky sped up his hand on Sam's cock capturing his moans as he climaxed spilling over the beach towel and pleading with Bucky in hushed murmurs to finish inside of him.

Bucky remained inside of him, holding him to his chest as both of their breathing evened out. Bucky nuzzled the side of Sam's neck, Sam whined.

"I love you so much," Bucky breathed.

"I love you too," Sam replied, equally breathless, "but if you put me down in that mess we made, I'll show the others that video of you interacting all cute with Redwing," Sam warned playfully.

"You wouldn't," Bucky's eyes widened.

"I would, Joaquín, Yelena and Kate would love that video."

"Not if I can help it," Bucky declared, laughing, he held Sam around the waist and fell backwards into the sand. Sam laughed and lifted himself off of Bucky, moaning as his cock slipped out of his ass. He turned over onto his side, laying next to Bucky, propping himself up on his elbow.

"I can't believe we just had sex out here," Sam mused. He reached up to stroke his fingers through Bucky's hair, "You're gonna have sand in this."

"I'm gonna have sand in a lot of parts of me, but totally worth it."

"You wanna go wash it out?" Sam asked, but Bucky laid his head back in the sand and closed his eyes.

"Not yet," he said softly, "let's just soak this in while we can, enjoy the sun for a few minutes and listen to the ocean."

"Yeah, it's been nice here, thanks for insisting on this, I really needed it, we really needed it."

"We did."

Sam relaxed against his husband, closed his eyes, and allowed himself to just breathe.

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