Chapter XXXIX

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I woke up to an empty bed. I could smell chocolate muffins from my room. The smell was amazing. "Good morning Mama! Daddy said we have a wedding today", Natalia said, a huge smile decorating her face. "Oh really? I can't wait to see you in your dress my princess", I cheered making her smile even bigger. I was looking around the kitchen to see if I could find Nathan or Abdul but, they were nowhere to be seen. "They have gone to the bachelor suite", Claire said making me laugh. "What do you mean bachelor suite?", "Abdul went all out, something about the men of the family having the same privacy as you and the saloon thing", Claire explained making me shake my head. I took my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram page only to find a picture of Abdul and Nathan posing during their suit fitting with the hashtag daddy duties. It was adorable. I liked then went back to enjoying my chocolate muffin. I went to take a bath and packed my clothes ready for my eventful day.

"Let her be Amira. Please listen to the bride and put light makeup on", Zahra told the makeup artist who was in dilemma between what I wanted and what Amira wanted. Too much makeup was not my kind of thing at all. "Thank you, Zahra. I love you", "I know, who knows what you could have done without me", she replied making me roll my eyes at her. I turned to see what Natalia was up to since she was so quiet and the girl was having a facial mask with some manicure happening that made me smile when she kept on posing for pictures whenever the cameraman turned her direction. At least someone was having a blast. Such a diva, I blame that on Abdul by the way. He has been spoiling them to the maximum. "There you go, honey. Time to get dressed, the groom insisted on being early", the makeup artist said while directing me to where my dress was. She helped me put on my dress without ruining my makeup. Thirty minutes later I was in the car ready to leave. "Mama you look pretty", Natalia said holding her flower basket. "Not as pretty as you Nat, you look exactly like a princess", I told her then kissed her cheek. "Daddy said, I should wait for you at the hotel with Aunt Zahra and Aunt Amira and he will come with you after he puts a promise ring on your finger. He said the ring means you will be his wifey forever", waoh! I guess Abdul and Natalia had time to discuss the whole ordeal thoroughly. He was taking the father role very seriously, I love the way he treats my children. He always explains things to them until we are all on the same page. Even Nathan is more expressive and I'm sure it has nothing to do with the therapy but also the homework activities that Abdul always did with him, helping him improve his speech and even helping him with the little things such as brushing his teeth or how to hold a fork. I'm sure he had no idea if I notice but I do, I just choose to be grateful. "That is correct my love. Do you want him to be your daddy forever?", her face lit up, and her smile got wider as she nod her head like it was going to fall out making me giggle. "Good. I'm gonna go make that happen ok?", "Ok Mama, I love you", "I love you way more Sweetie", I waved as the car left the house. "You look beautiful Nikki", Saad said almost giving me a heart attack. "T-thank you. How are you here?", I asked beginning to worry. Today was the only day that I was not ready to deal with any drama. If Saad was here it means Inaya was somewhere close and I can not deal with her on my wedding day. "Calm down Nikki, she knows I'm here and she is ok with it. Don't worry ok? I come in peace", he said with a chuckle. I felt my body relax. His phone rang, and he answered through the loudspeaker. "Hey man! Are you guys on the way?", Abdul's voice dominated the car, making me smile. "We will be there in ten. Can you relax? We have like an hour to just wait. Gizz!", Saad complained playfully. I had never seen a playful side of him, it was refreshing. "Fine. Just tell Nikki I love her and I can't wait to see her", "I love you too baby", I replied earning a chuckle before he hung up. "Satisfied?", Saad teased making me laugh. "Very".

"You look amazing babe. I love you", Abdul told me the moment he helped me step out of the car. "Where is Nathan?", I asked with a smile. "He is with Khaled at the hotel. They are waiting for us. Let's get this done", he said pulling me to the Judge's office, yes we got a Judge, he was Hafeez's old friend and he was happy to marry us. I was so nervous. But a light squeeze from Abdul made me relax a little. "Oh! She is a cute one", the old man joked making me blush as we entered his office. "Abdul Hafeez Qadir, Do you accept Nikki Edwards as your lawful wedded wife?", "I do". "Nikki Edwards, do you accept Abdul Hafeez Qadir as your lawful wedded husband?", "I do". "May the witnesses of this union declare their names", "Renee Brooks, your honour", "Greyson Brooks, your honour", "By the power vested in me by the law, I pronounce you man and wife. Please sign the certificate. Here and here". My hand was trembling with excitement that I had to let Abdul sign first. "The rings?", the Judge asked Greyson. He gave him a velvet box that had a set of David Yurman Streamline two-row pavé diamond band rings made with silver and black diamonds. They were so beautiful and unique that I just couldn't stop admiring them as one was placed on my hand and the other on Abdul's. My eyes met his and he had this evil smirk on his face that I didn't understand. "With these rings you will cement your union, bounding one to the other before the law", the judge gestured for us to put rings on each other's fingers and we did. "Abdul, You may kiss your wife", he said with a smile, a second later I was pulled to Abdul's chest, his lips claiming me like it was the last time he was going to be allowed to kiss me.

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