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Nobody knows where she came from. Nobody knows what she is. Sirius Black never wanted a child to begin with. He was content with being the bachelor in town with every night hookups that he gladly partaken in. Going home at night with a different woman in his arms is nothing new to him, but to have a child that considerably looked just like him on his doorstep who was placed in a purple basket gurgling incoherent sounds, he didn’t know what to think.

At first, he had some silly thought that maybe, the child’s parents were taking a shit on the nearest bathroom and they didn’t want the child to smell something horrible, so they just placed them there on the doorstep, but considering that there was a letter on the top of the child’s clothed belly telling him that he is the child’s father and to not look for the mother anymore because she had nothing to do with the baby, he wanted to pass out.

He tried to get his bearing and took a hold of the nearest metal he could reach to keep himself upright. He didn’t know what to do. He could not be a father, he didn’t even know how to. He barely gets to live the day without alcohol. His father was not a good example and certainly, he can’t be a single parent. He just can’t take too much responsibility.

So he went to those people who he thought might solve this new dilemma.

Together with the child in his arms, he made sure not squeeze them too tight, considering he didn’t know how to handle a child and apparated to his cousin’s living room startling his cousin’s family in the process.

“Merlin, Sirius! Why do you always do that? We have a door for a reason.” Andromeda exclaimed wide eyed while clutching on to her chest.

Sirius, not hearing what his cousin said due to his hysteric, stuttered, “M-Meda, I have a child. Thi-This child is mine! I can’t have a child, Meda!”

Nymphadora’s eyes lit up and clapped her hands merely, squealing at the sight of the child that was cradled in Sirius’s arms as her mother’s eyes widened even more. “Baby!”

“What do you mean by that? Where did that child even come from?” Andromeda gently took the new born from his arms and gently rocked them side to side, cooing softly when she saw the beaming baby. “Such a beautiful thing you are.”

But Sirius was not done with his dramatics just yet. “A child Meda! On my doorstep. A child that looks just like me. How can that be? I am always safe with my every night out!”

Andromeda rolled her eyes sassily at that. “I always knew that your daily ‘night out’ would someday bite you on your moronic ass.”

The baby, sensing distress in the room, pouted and released a frightened cry. “You’re scaring the baby, Sirius calm down.” Andromeda hissed, rocking the baby again, shushing her gently with a soft tone, a couple of times sweeter than how she handle her own child. “It’s okay it’s okay, you beautiful thing. Your father was being a child. Don’t mind him.”

Sirius snapped out of his bubble when he heard the child’s cry. Despite thinking that he was not ready for a big responsibility, that accepting the child means that he can’t continue being the way that he is, something within himself told him that no matter what happens, it will all be okay. His brain tells him to stop being a coward and his heart tells him to take care of the baby, and vouch to never  make him feel sad again as long as Sirius is alive.

As he took the baby from Andromeda’s arms, he eyed every little detail on the baby’s face, from those twinkling eyes that staring right back at him with awe, to the baby’s button like nose that scrunch up when he giggle. To those lips that emit a sound that tug Sirius’s cold heart. That cold heart that he thought would never love again after the painful yet wonderful night with a woman he just met but didn't get her name even after the activities they've made, only to wake up alone in his bed the next day. That heart that beats frantically when he saw how the child looked up at him with the same wonder. He vowed that for as long as he lives, no harm will come in the way of his baby. “My baby. My child.” He whispered, kissing the newborn's forehead, only for the child to giggle in delight.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now