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Rosalie stayed sitting on the driver's seat of her car, collecting herself.

She pondered over the thought as to why she said that to her twin sister and to the entire family who was listening downstairs.

She didn't know what had gotten into her to say that, but as she looked out the window, Rosalie saw Edward stupidly advancing towards his bloodsinger while the rest of his sibling stayed rooted outside of their own cars, looking at the human that Edward gone off to with nothing but supportive glances and smiles. Rosalie knows for a fact that the situation with them will either end badly, that they will once again pack up and leave or one of them will get hurt and she will be damned to let anybody hurt the family composed of three who slowly destroying all of her walls that she build to herself and wormed themselves to her undead heart.

The family that even in a short amount of time never made her feel that her presence doesn't matter, that her presence is a burden.

That children who did not just look up to her, made her feel as though her presence is needed.

Carlisle only turned her and Daisy to become this soulless monster in the hopes of either one of them may be the mate of his favorite son only to be stared at in disgust by the sole reason of their immortal existence.

Rosalie have never forgiven Carlisle for it but she learned to accept only because her sister asked her to. Rosalie stayed because her sister was grateful by the life Carlisle have given her and she want Rosalie to do the same.

Rosalie will never be grateful for it as she never wanted to be this soulless monster in the first place.

But as her eyes roamed around the parking lot, her eyes catch the most gorgeous woman she've ever seen who's casually walking towards the establishment and maybe, Rosalie is a little bit grateful to Carlisle that she get to live on the day and get to meet this wonderful woman that turned her world upside down.

And don't get her started on the fact that she haven't even told her coven that her mate found out what they were with little to no effort unlike the bloodbag of her brother.

Edward whipped his head towards Rosalie and glared at her but the blonde just rolled her eyes at him and flipped him off, angering her brother even more who left the Swan behind like an asshole he is and made his way to the establishment with heavy footsteps.

Rosalie shook her head in disappointment.

Perhaps she was a bit hypocritic to not approve of an on going relationship of the two when she also have this ongoing relationship with her own mate but Rosalie never once thought of draining Elara's blood as Edward thought of Bella. Given as Elara's blood was enticing to her because of the mate bond, Elara's blood don't sing to her, whatever is that they called and so she conclude that her adoptive brother's relationship with that blood bag will gonna end badly and all of them will be dragged down along with them. All she can think of was the safety of her mate's family that she sworn to protect.

If he ever fuck up, she knows, she will never hesitate to take down a whole coven.

Even if it means taking down her own sister.

Daisy, never once thought that her sister will drift away from her but as she look across the parking lot and towards the blonde woman inside the red convertible, she felt as if her unbeating heart was being stabbed over and over.

She knows that it's just a matter of time that her twin will gonna leave her for her new family and she's not sure if she can handle being away from her or not.

Ever since then, when they were in the clutch of their parents, Rosalie have been the protector she never asked for. With her snarky attitude, she always didn't hesitate to give them a peace of her mind when someone tries to bully her and have a way with her.

Living in the past was worse before. They never get to live the way they wanted to be as the only role of the women was only in the households and the bedroom.

Daisey wanted to be a painter when she was a child and only Rosalie supported her through it all and even go as far as gifting her tools to paint in secret every chance she could get resulting to her getting caught sometimes and getting a good beating from their mother but Rosalie will never gonna tell her that her dreams was a burden for her, Rosalie loved her so much that way.

"Hon? Where did you go?" A manly voice that belongs to her husband caress her ear making her tilt her head up to look at his concerned frown.

Giving him affectionate pat on his chest she replied. "Somewhere your brain can't keep up."

Emmet scoffed at her teasing before giving her the infamous pout that no one will be fooled. "You're mean."

Jasper, who was listening to them bicker, snickered at his state, momentarily forgetting the enticing blood of the people around.

Emmet scowled at him, shoving him a little making the pixie haired girl glare at him for wrinkling her mate's jacket. "Behave yourself, Emmet." She chastised and was about to fix her mate's jacket but was suddenly sucked into a vision... Like always.

Rosalie was not looking forward for lunch. She didn't want to be in the close proximity with the brooding guy that's no brooding guy no more. She dislike him so much to the point that she want to stay inside the girls bathroom the whole break but she didn't want to be a loser either. Rosalie don't want to be seen as though a presence of someone affects her so much, her pride won't just let her.

She strode towards the canteen all by herself when one of her siblings stopped her from entering causing her to give them a nasty cold glare.

Alice brushed her hostility off as though it was a daily occurrence before getting on the point. "Rory just got punched." And with that, Rosalie dash out of the school in pure rage with Alice in tow.

"Rose! Rosalie calm down." Alice called out for her adoptive sister who was speedwalking towards the daycare center where Elara's children's are. She tried hard to catch with Rosalie's stride as humanly as possible to no avail. Alice had seen it in her vision, the blonde won't even hold back even if it was a kid who hurt Rory and that's scares her the most. "Slow down!"

"Leave me alone Alice." Rosalie didn't even spare Alice a glance as she fumed infront of the door when she heard the cries of Rory and Teddy trying to protect his sister to no avail.

She was about to kick the door of the room when Alice barricaded the front door to stop her from doing it. "Calm the fuck down Rosalie!" The pixie girl whisper shouted.

Frankly, this whole overprotectiveness of the woman scares Alice and she's aware of the fact that she'll never be exempted of this wrath or her whole family if she ever step out of line.

Rosalie's body convulsed, the barely concealed rage emitting her whole body as tho she's a beast being possessed. "Move." Her voice was hallow and Alice have no choice but step aside to not get in between no more.

Rosalie have a sudden urge to shove Alice but she tried to hold it in and was about to kick the door but a sudden pop rang on the corridor and the figure of Elara popped up right in front of them scaring Alice half to death and freezing Rosalie on the spot.

"H-how.. What the hell?!" Alice shrieked, still in disbelief but Elara's focus was entirely on her mate and her being.

She slowly walk near her mate and gently place a hand on the blonde's shoulder and waist before whispering sweet nothing on the woman's ear to calm her down. "I'm here darling, I'm right here."

Rosalie tried to wiggle here out of the woman's hold but her efforts were in vain. "I know love, I know. We will deal with them together, in a calm manner, so come back to me."

Elara saw it was working when Rosalie's rigid body softened on her hold so she tries a little more. "Just like that love. You're doing great."

Alice look at them with a sad smile before leaving them be, thinking that her family just lose a family member and Elara's family gained one.

Hello (:

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now