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Rosalie can't seem to get her eyes off of Elara.

From her long lashes, to her lips.

The way she scrunches up her nose when she hear a tiny bit of noises.

The way that Elara unconsciously grabbed her to cuddle closely.

Everything about her was driving Rosalie insane.

How can she deeply hold such fascination to a person she just met? But then again, Elara is her mate and it's a given to feel that way.

Rosalie never did try to wiggle herself out of the woman's warm embrace, but she never tried to hug back no matter how much she wanted to either. It's as if Elara will shatter like a delicate glass if she reciprocated the woman's embrace so she laid completely still, feeling the woman's warm breath as her head was nuzzling on Rosalie's nape.

Rosalie could still remember how they end up on this state, she forced herself not to emit a chuckle from how cute her mate was to give her a pout just to make her stay for the night. It was quite adorable how embarrassed Elara were for doing that, her cheeks were flushed as tomato while uttering the words 'you didn't see anything' before entering the door to her room grumbling like a child before her eyes shined like a newly lit light bulb when she saw Rosalie's figure entered the room, albeit a bit stiff but a certain eagerness in her eyes shown that Elara couldn't help but smile fondly at.

"Yes she is."

Her feet stay rooted on the pavement. The stiffness of her body didn't go unnoticed by the two people infront of her. One was watching her with an amused smile while the other one wore a certain look that she couldn't really pinpoint but she gladly matched with an intense glare that any other people would cower in fear.

"Lovely to see you finally, love." Harry's playful voice snapped them out of their staring match making them turn their attention toward his coy smile. "I've been hearing loads of things about you from my sister here."

At the mention of the word sister, Rosalie backtracked. Shame hit her right in the gut when Elara looked at her with a raised eyebrow and an amused amused smirk dancing on her lips. She could've sworn she want the ground to swallow her whole right then and there for even thinking of getting jealous over someone who she isn't supposed to be jealous of.

"Yeah yeah. No need for you to embarrass me, Potter." Elara grumbled childishly as she put a certain venom on his last name like Draco Malfoy always did when they were still at Hogwarts, much to Harry's amusement. Ah, it will never get old.

Harry shook his head and chuckled before marching forward and offer his right hand for Rosalie to take. "Harry, Harry Potter. I'm Elara's Godbrother and her children's uncle."

Elara chuckled, amused by his boasting on being an uncle. Since he discovered that Elara was his God sister, he never shut up about how he couldn't wait to be an uncle in the future. It was even more unbearable when Rory's mother was still pregnant, he entitled himself as an honorary nurse and tailed Alyona around in case anything happened. Alyona couldn't even open the fridge without Harry hurrying to do it for her to 'not hurt herself' much to Alyona's dismay.

Rosalie sheepishly shook his hand. If she could blush, she would, at how embarrassed she was right at the moment, but she composed herself when she remembered that she's Rosalie Hale and Rosalie never had shame. "Rosalie Hale, just like what you said, I'm Miss Black's vampire student. I hope she told you good things about me other than that." She coyly said, matching Harry's amusement.

"Oh, she did more than that, I'm afraid." Harry snorted, pulling his hand away and shaking his head in faux exhaustion before casting his gaze on Elara, a glint visible in his eyes making Elara shudder in apprehension "I like her, Lara."

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