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"The fuck!" Elara fumed.

That bastard did not just do that to her bestfriend! And to a good for nothing assistant and a clone of Rita Skeeter no less.

How could he be so cheap?

"I'm gonna kill him." Standing up, Elara growled dangerously. Her eyes darkening from the thought of that good for nothing male specimen.  She clutched on her wand firmly a she glared into space but a sudden smack on her head made her spun her head towards Hermione who was chuckling tearfully at her.

Elara pouted and took a sit again, she didn't expect to have such response from her bestfriend. "What was that for?"

"You're being overly dramatic." Hermione hoarsely replied, still grounding herself from what transpired earlier. "I see where Rory gets it from."

Huffing in disbelief, Elara waved her off. "But 'mione that bastard did this to you. Don't expect me to be nonchalant about it. And you know how much I despise him like how he does to me from the very beginning."

Hermione rolled her eyes fondly at her before nodding her head. "I know I know, believe me I know how you feel. But his brothers and Ginny hexed him to oblivion the very moment they saw it on the daily profit front page. That bug Rita Skeeter wrote it, mark my words, I will strangle her if we cross paths at the ministry." She seethed darkly that even Luscious Malfoy, the muggle hating bastard, will cower in fear. One thing that Hermione learned through the years that she's married to an idiot was patience, a very long patience. She sighed before continuing. "From your reaction, i can only guess you haven't read it yet."

Elara shook her head and roll her eyes in response. "No. I haven't had the chance to and besides, daily profit is not really the best to read in a daily. That blasted paper have the ability to ruin my entire day alone."

Hermione tried to smile, only to come out as a grimace when she was struck by another wave of emotions making Elara frowned sadly, opening her arms to invite her for some comfort. The witch didn't hesitate, she flung herself on her bestfriend's built figure sobbing. "Oh 'mione. Just let it out. Let all of it out. Someone you loved betrayed you, i won't fault you for being distraught. Just let it all out." Elara whispered reassurances, cradling Hermione's figure like a precious gem.

"I loved him, i still do. Why?" Hermione whimpered again, clutching onto her bestfriend's polo for all her might. "He- he said I don't dress like a woman anymore ever since I gave birth to our daughter."

Hiccups are what follows making Elara hold her tightly in her arms. For every sentences that Hermione was confessing, she's in disbelief.  She knew how much of an idiot Ron was but never to this extent.

"He s-said I don't have the same figure like before. I-I have stretch marks. I dress like a grandma. He c-complain about me having no time for him after I get off work. That he will gladly live with his parents just so he would never eat my horrid cooking again." Hermione painfully confessed.

Every sentences was a stab to her heart and pride.

Ronald Weasley didn't just cheat on her but abuses her too through his words. It hit her like dagger straight to her heart and Hermione Granger, despite being intelligent, was vulnerable with her feelings. It was never have been her strong suite and she despised it.

Elara gritted her teeth from the amount of anger that she felt just by hearing those words. How dare such scoundrel belittle her bestfriend when he was nothing but a mere pig with a red hair.

She so going to kill him.

"Listen to me." The Raven haired girl stated firmly before pulling back from the tight hug and hold Hermione's hands with both of her hands. She look at her bestfriend in the eyes as she continued. "Whatever that pig said to you, it's not true. You know he's an idiot and whatever he blab is just a product of his insecurity."

Though still hiccuping, Hermione tried to listen to Elara just like old times where the Black woman act as her old sister who give her advices and guide her through everything that she don't understand. She admits that though she was labeled as the brightest witch of her age, she base her knowledge on the books that she read and Elara is not just a book smart but a street smart as well like how muggles call it. Elara's knowledge is from experiences and controlling her emotions was not hard for her. Sometimes.

"Ronald Weasley is an insecure arsehole, haven't he shown that enough? Again I won't ask you why did you even marry him when there's Draco Malfoy who have been chasing you in our 8th year and to tell you honestly, he was better than that redhead. But that's not the point, Ron never have been the one to think before saying things. He always have been talking garbage." Elara paused before backtracking. "And Mione, you are one of the most attractive person I know. If I was not what I am, I would've date you. You know i tried to, on our 5th year but it did not work and besides,  Merlin, i think my mate would've been livid."

Hermione chuckled at her and was about reply when a crack echoes in the house presenting  Ginny Potter apparating in the living room with her very pregnant belly clearly visible for everyone to see and her son, James, clinging on arms desperately.

Her hair was a mess. Tears falling freely from eyes but she have this furious look on her face that both Hermione and Elara cower in fear.

"Your godbrother called me fat!"

He did not just say that to a pregnant woman!

Rory smiled cheekily at her brother. Both of her hands on her back to hide something that she don't want her brother to see quite yet causing the Lupin child to raise an eyebrow at her.

"What is it now Rory? Did you do something again? I swear to Merlin if you did, i will tell mama." Teddy asked, sighing.

Aurora pouted at him, feigning hurt. "I'm hurt Teddy, you don't trust me." She said before glancing at Eleanor who look up from the book that she's reading when she heard the two talking. "Eli back me up here."

Eleanor tilted her head in confusion before shrugging. She dock her head to resume her reading, clearly unbothered by the two's banter.

Rory sulked at that before glancing at her brother with mischief in her eyes, raising her hand to show the phone that she pickpocketed earlier from her mom. Teddy gasp, outrage at her behaviour but Rory only wave him off nonchalantly. "I know I'm  awesome, I know."

Eyes still wide in disbelief, Teddy exasperatedly replied. "You are not awesome Rory. You stole somebody else's phone. It's bad."

The little girl pouted and stomped her little fit. "I did not steal, i borrowed it from mama."

Teddy shook his head sighing. "It's not borrowed when you didn't ask them Rory. It's called stealing and you have to give it back or else mama will ground you again."

Rory whined, walking to her brother so sit beside him, pouting. "But Teddyyyy, i wanna call Roselieeee. I want to see her again. Don't you want too?"

Teddy contemplated the consequences before sighing, he too wanted to see the pretty woman who his mama couldn't take her eyes off of.

He want her mama to be happy again like how she was on the dinner last night.

He reluctantly nodded his head at his sister to be returned by a beaming smile directed to him.

"Who's Roselie?" Eli tilted her head in confusion before abandoning her book and crawling towards the two.

Rory gave her the infamous Black's smirk that was so much like her mother before scrolling on the phone to look at her mom's contact numbers. "Mama's girlfriend."

Dialling the number saved on contacts, Rory waited with a barely concealed excitement as it rung numerous times before someone finally picked up the call.



Another treat for ya! (; Sorry about the errors, I'll edit it as soon as I see it.

Btw, I'm still waiting for your opinion to my latest thoughts about writing a story of Elara's time at Hogwarts but if you guys don't want it, then nah.


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