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Rosalie despises her cycle of life.

She hates going to school after graduating from another school. She hated going into the whole thing over and over, it was becoming predictable for her every passing year.

She hates being a vampire.

She hates the temptation of human blood when she was around a mass of people, despite her having self control. She despised Jessica's high-pitched rambling about the Cullen family whenever someone asked her about them or even when no one was asking. She despises the loud, boisterous noises of the humans and their heartbeat, when she's inside that establishment and she despise Isabella Swan the most.

Isabella Swan was her adopted brother Edward have been pining on. That human who doesn't understand the meaning of minding her own business and continues to wiggle her way on to their lives, specifically wiggling her way into her brother's life.

Rosalie knows that sooner or later, the human girl will discover her family's secret simply because Isabella Swan is nosy for her own good and prying on someone else's business was her hobby.

"Come on Rose, we're gonna be late!" Alice, one of her adopted sisters, coaxed her, earning a glare from the blonde.

"No." She grumbled crossing her arms as she rested her back on the head board, her gaze fixated on the tinted glass window.

Alice groaned, every morning is a war in Cullen's household. Everyone but Rosalie seemed to want to go on a day where they tried to maintain the human lifestyle and to blend in. Even Jasper complied, even when being around humans tempted him to drain human bodies the most. 

An idea popped her mind, making Alice shoot the blonde a knowing smirk. "You won't regret going to school today." Alice singsonged.

Rosalie rolls her eyes, her scowl deepened and prominent on n her features. "I don't think so."

Alice waved her off in response, busying herself as she rummaged the blonde's closet, taking it upon herself to choose Rosalie's outfit for the day. "Me think so." She whipped her head towards Rosalie momentarily, shooting her a wink before continuing the task. Taking a Gucci blouse and a fitted black jeans, she tossed it on her sister and rummaged through the line of shoes. "Get dressed."

Rosalie rolled her eyes like a diva, detaching every part of her sister's body in her mind. "Why do I even bother?" she mumbled, loud enough for the pixie to hear. She shot her a glare and pointed at the door. "You served your purpose, now out."

Alice rolled her eyes in response, not even phased by Rosalie's attitude towards her. She swore that even when Rosalie was a vampire, she's more cranky than a human every morning. "Yeah, yeah. See you down there in a minute."

Alice shot her a knowing look and pointed towards her sister. "And if you ever, I mean ever try to make us late, I'll let Daisy get you and you know how she is when it comes to school."

Rosalie internally groaned. Her biological sister, Daisy, is a ball of sunshine every fucking day. She seems to not get run out of it, always energetic to the point that people mistook her and Alice as biological sisters than Rosalie herself.

Perhaps it helps too. Daisy uplift her sister's mood every time she saw her smile. Every time she was in close proximity with Daisy, without Emmett on her side, of course. God knows Rosalie hated that her sister mated to a man child. They constantly bicker as if they are just siblings other than husband and wife.


She hates that she doesn't have that.

Every time she watches Jasper and Alice all loved up in a love seat, Daisy and Emmett bicker back and forth, she despised her immortality even more. And it didn't help that Edward found bloodsinger that he insisted was his mate, she's the only one who doesn't seem to have one and it makes her furious and upset.

Years of years of waiting for her mate to come, only for her to wait another year and another, she's getting more impatient as the time goes by. She just only wished that whoever it was, they are not a human. God knows what she'd do if they were a human.

She grumbled incoherently as she trudged down the staircase towards the awaiting arms of Esme who saw her upset daughter firstly. Esme hugged her adopted daughter tightly, soothing her back as gentle as possible with her enhanced strength.

Edward, clearly hearing her thoughts when Rosalie was still in her room getting ready, told Esme what was running inside the mind of the blonde beauty.

Rosalie relished the feeling of her adopted mother's embrace. Years of being delivered of physical affection and alone gets into her emotions sometimes and she can never fully open up to her family without them invading her privacy.

Alice saw her sister upset and decided to uplift Rosalie's mood. "You won't have to wait for long, Rose."

The blonde shot her a look, raising an eyebrow while she got out of Esme's embrace but Alice just waived her off. "You'll see. Come on."

"You think you'll be alright here with your sister, honey?" Elara asked her son for the 'nth time that day.

Today was her first day at her new work. One of her professors in university recommended her after the passing of one of the teachers at Forks high school. The hiring was abrupt and Elara took it upon herself to grab the offer immediately without questions asked, even when her field was supposed to be teaching college students, but the principal didn't mind, leaving her to find a house near the work place.

But it also meant that she will have to leave her children everyday and she couldn't have that. Ginny Weasley was not with them in Forks to babysit her babies and she just can't leave them to fend to themselves in their new house.

One of her neighbors, Charlie Swan, the Chief of Police in Forks, recommended to enrol Aurora in a Daycare Center near Forks High School. It was near her workplace and it was a walking distance, secured enough to leave children for the time being as it was guarded by police.

Elara can't thank Chief Swan enough for his help, he took it upon himself to assign police officer to ensure the safety of the children.

"Mama, I'll be okay. I promise." Teddy smiled up at his mother, holding Aurora's hand to keep his sister at bay, backpack slung on his left arm. Rory has always been a ball of sunshine when she wants to be.

Elara smiled proudly at her godson. He's growing up nicely. He was just so small back then when she first held him close in her arms. Now, it's only a matter of a year for him to go to Hogwarts for his education. She didn't enroll him in muggle grade school to protect her son because Merlin knows, bullying was still a thing for muggles and she can't afford to cause a panic if her godson cause any accidental magic. They just have to wait for another year for him to get his letter from Hogwarts.

"I know, I trust you. I am just worried Rory will terrorize you." She teased, earning an angry pout from her daughter.

Aurora stomped her little feet, "Mama." She reprimanded, making her mother laugh.

Backing away a bit, she crouched down to level her children's eyesight and looked at them earnestly, her sling bag secured on her shoulder. "Now, mama have to go to work. I trust both of you that you'll behave and stick together." She said softly but sternly, like a mama bear she is, before continuing. "I gave you muggle money just in case you both need something. Sandwiches and fruits in the backpack and water. And never as in never talk to strangers and go with them. I'll be here to pick you up after 5 hours, is that understood babies?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Aurora beamed at her mom. "Yes mama. Under-understood." she stuttered a bit cutely, practicing the word, Teddy nodding his head as well.

Elara sighed and smiled proudly at them, thankful to her Aunt Meda for her guidance that she passed down to her children.

"I love you my babies." She hugged both of her children in her arms sweetly before scooping them up, kissing her children's forehead multiple times before putting them back down gently. "Mama loves you both, alright?"

"We love you too mama!" her children synched before kissing their mom's cheek.

Ushering them at the door, Elara saw the daycare teacher, Mrs. Smith, watching the family's interaction with a fond smile. "I'll take care of them ma'am, don't worry."

Elara sighed as the door closed before reluctantly walking towards her car. Seems like today is gonna be a lot for her.

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