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Special thanks to BlakeB990 for her ideas 🤍

Rosalie tilted her head, her lips forming a smile at the curiosity of the boy and not at all finding his question offensive like everybody else when they question the parts of her body.

But she have to think of a half-ass lie to make him believe, since her eyes was not at all natural. "I got it from my mom."

Teddy look at her skeptical but still looking at her eyes in awe. He have never seen such a thing. His mom Elara's eye color was intriguing enough as it changes varying her emotions but in most times, it stayed green, in happy moments, it stayed blue but earlier on Rory's accident, it turned gray because she was sad.

"You and mama have beautiful eyes." Teddy confessed.

Rosalie was in awe. She have never experienced this feeling before and she was sure she could cry from the amount of happiness just by talking to a child. "Why thank you, young man. You have nice set of eyes too."

Teddy blushed at the compliment of the pretty woman and hid his face on the pillow to which Rosalie find quite cute and adorable but Teddy straightened himself up on the seat after a minute before puffing his chest proudly. "My name is Edward Remus but people call me Teddy. What's your name?"

Rosalie internally want to smack herself. She just realized that she haven't introduced herself yet. "Pardon me, I'm Rosalie. Pleasure to be your acquaintance, Teddy." She elegantly said, mimicking a royal to which Teddy find funny as he giggled in delight making Rosalie do the same.

That's how Elara and Aurora found them in the living room, giggling beyond belief for God knows what making Elara feel something inside. A new feeling bloomed inside her that despite every warning signs she have to consider, she couldn't help but to feel somewhat complete and she haven't felt that in a long time. Aurora felt the complete opposite as she observed the two with a pout, feeling completely left out. She wiggled out of her mom's arms making her mom place her on the ground. The little girl stomped towards the pretty woman with a sad pout and sit beside her on the couch and Rosalie was finding everything of it so amusing.

Rory look at the pretty woman like a kicked puppy, blinking her lashes for some added effects. "I wanna join too." She pouted.

Instead of chuckling at the dramatic child, Rosalie look up at Elara for a silent permission to find the Professor already looking at her with an unreadable expression on her face that made her squirm on the spot. After some time, Elara shook her head lightly to snap out of it and granted her request making the blonde beams at her in gratitude. "Sure you can, young Miss."

The little girl giggled, clapping her hands before she inches towards the pretty woman to sit on her lap making Rosalie froze that Elara clearly saw. "Rory, you can't sit on everybody's lap. You're getting big now, baby." Elara tried to save the poor girl even though she didn't know what's happening with her.

But Rory pouted sadly up to her mom and make herself feel more comfortable on the blonde's lap while leaning her head on Rosalie's arm. "But mama, she's so pretty and we're friends now. Right pretty lady?" She tilted her up to come face to face with the woman who was looking at her still frozen.

Elara was about to get her daughter out of the unmoving woman but Rosalie suddenly look up to her with those shining eyes.

She wanted to convey everything to words but she just couldn't.

In all of her immortal life, all she really want to is to have a family for herself.

To conceive a child.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now