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Rosalie was torn.

She was happy that her mate got to have children that Rosalie yearned for but never could.

But her heart nearly shattered as it dawned on her;

Her mate has children.

She might even have a partner.

Granted, the professor said she doesn’t have a girlfriend, but for all she knows, she could be married.

She made a life for herself that Rosalie was not involved with.

And it crushed Rosalie inside.

It was selfish of her to think that maybe, just maybe, they could have been. But as she saw the look that the Professor adorned, she knew that she was at the peak of her happiness and Rosalie was not in the equation.

With trembling hands, she clutched at the side of the table for support as she eyed the three with pain in her eyes.

The little girl twirled her hair with attitude, looking at her brother teasingly. “You’re getting old, Teddy.”

But Teddy was not at all offended by it, he merrily smirked at her back as he knew how to get the rise out of his sister. “At least I got to answer the riddle earlier.”

“Oh Merlin.” Elara whispered, she knew what was coming and she can only shake her in head while face-palming, glancing apologetically towards her students who was entertained by the banter of the two.

Aurora fumed angrily, stomping her little feet and whipped her head towards her mother, pouting at her. “Mama, Teddy is being mean to me again!”

New it. Elara sighed and pinched her nose in exhaustion. She glanced down at her daughter before looking at her son motioning him to occupy the chair and crouch down to kiss his forehead. "No teasing please, love."

Elara winced painfully before standing straighter. She placed both of her hands on her hips. “What did I tell you about screaming, Rory?”

Rory stopped her tantrum and played with her fingers, looking at everyone but her mother. “Not to.”

Elara sighed and scooped her daughter up and held her into her arms. “And?”

“Inside voices, mama.” Aurora mumbled, acting shy before stuffing her face in the crook Elara’s neck making Elara chuckle at her. 

“That’s right love.” Elara kiss her daughter’s forehead, earning a cute giggle from Rory. But a boy wearing a varsity jacket whistled, shattering the heartfelt moment.

“Yo, she’s a milf.” He muttered to his group of friends before laughing along with them.

But Elara having heightened senses, heard him quite clearly, making her snap her head towards the boy before glowering at him. “Pigs.” She whispered in disgust.

Elara didn’t want to expose her children to such words for as long as she could, but her daughter picked up on things immediately.

Turning her head towards her mother, Aurora tilted her head curiously. “Whats milf mama?”

Elara heard a low growl from across the room, making the professor look at the person in warning. Deciding to channel her inner best actress mode, she feigned sigh and shook her head for added effects. “Not milf baby, it’s MILK. He said milk.”

Aurora widened her eyes comically, as if she finally discovered how to cure cancer, before sassily turning her head towards the boy. “Why you calling my mama milk? My mama is not milk. She don’t like milk, she likes choco latte and tea.” She pompously said , whipping her hair back.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now