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Mr. Berty was never late for game nights with his family.

He never wanted his kids to feel unimportant, that work was more important than quality time with the people he loved the most. But, as an educator in a public school and having a rusty century old car, being late from work was bound to happen.

The screeching of tires echoed through out the empty street as the owner of the car grumbled internally, what was he supposed to do with this crap? He had just got it out of the repair shop that thursday morning but it looks like he will have a trip to the repair shop again.

Cursing under his breath, he got out of the car only to see that not only did it have slashed tires but there was also a smoke coming out at the front. “Jesus.”

Kicking the front tire, he tried to pull out his phone from his pocket to ask for help, but a sudden gush of the wind met his stature, making him shudder and was about to get inside the engine for some warmth, but a figure stopped him from doing so.

“Hey sailor.” A woman seductively greeted the man, red eyes glinting with mischief. Her red hair waiving side to side as she sauntered towards the startled man. “What are you doing wondering around at night?”

Mr. Berty sighed in relief, thankful that he was not the only human on the street at 8pm. He was about to reply to the young woman when two figures appeared in front of him. “Wh-where did you both come from?” he nervously asked, taking a step back when he saw the men advancing towards him. There was no way the two man have red eyes, maybe he was just seeing things and it was dark.

“Why are you doing this?” One of the men with raven hair tauntingly asked.

“We can talk about this?” the woman continued, amused.

The other man chuckled and grinned maliciously, shaking his head. “Come on, don’t play with your food.”

“This will hurt like a bitch.”

A high pitched scream rang from the side walk.

And another blood spilled.

The moon was the only witness.


Moving was never been Elara’s cup of tea. From unpacking to decorating, it’s just a lot of work for her. It also didn’t help that she has two toddlers who bickers all the damn time either.

Social interaction with the new neighborhood will be a hard task as well, given the fact that she's a downright introvert at heart, but having kids has its perks sometimes. They just somehow makes acting civil with everyone easily with energy that can’t be contained, especially her children.

“Come on mama, I wanna play outside!” A six-year old Aurora exclaimed, impatiently tapping her left foot with her arms crossed. Her lips contorting a pout that directed towards the stairs where her mother supposed to be walking down.

“Inside voice, honey.” The woman from second floor reminded her, amused.

Flicking her wand, she decided that enough was enough and just levitate her things than to waste a lot of energy when she’s capable of using magic. “You’re so impatient, pipsqueak.”

A cackling laugh from across the room rung in the house that no doubt belongs to her godson.

“Heard that, ‘pipsqueak’?” a 10-year old Teddy mocked the little girl, earning him a harsh glare.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now