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Her hands were trembling.

Stomach discomfortably churning.

But Elara kept it together when she saw how traumatized her kids were. Even all that she really want to do is to curve in a ball and cry. She blames herself for being unaware of the surroundings resulting to things that was not supposed to happen to her child.

"Baby baby ssshhh. You're safe now. Mama is here now, i won't let anything happen to you again." Elara said as soon as she park her car on their garage and scoop her daughter in her arms, her left hand holding her son's hand before she wandlessly open the front door to her house.

She walk to her living room and place her daughter on the couch, kissing Rory's forehead repeatedly to calm her down while Teddy hold his sister's hand for comfort. "Rory, you're safe now. Please don't cry. It's making me sad." Teddy pouted, showing funny faces to get a reaction which was a total success when the little girl tearfully giggled.

"You're so ugly Teddy." Rory sniffled, rubbing her eyes before leaning her head on her mom's arm who enveloped her body automatically.

Teddy playfully scoffed and cross his arms, he too sat very close to his mom. "I'm not. Mama said I'm handsome."

Rory snorted and sassily whipped her hair, smacking her mom's face, completely changing her mood seconds prior. "Mama was just being kind, she didn't mean to say it. Right mama?" Rory titled her head towards her mom to which Elara chuckled at, amused.

She sighed in relief when she saw the mood of her daughter lifted drastically. "Mama mean it baby. Your brother is handsome like how you are beautiful."

Instead of grumbling in protest, Rory beamed at her mother for the compliment which was Elara intended to do, to avoid any kind of tantrum from the midget. "I'm beautiful mama?" Rory smiled up to her mom, her dimples completely showing making Elara cooed at her but before the woman can reply, a knock on the front door cut her off.

Elara's back went stiff at the sudden arrival of an unknown visitor and her senses went up the roof when the stranger smelled like her mate, her mate that have no noise on her steps. Elara would've heard her footsteps meters away but for some unknown reason, she didn't hear anything.

Or was it completely unknown?

One thing on her mind, why would the Hale girl suddenly visit her humble abode?

"Do you have any idea how much you jeopardize our own safety?! huh!" Rosalie shove Edward to the wall, snarling at him. Shoving him more, she hold the collar of his jacket. "For a pathetic human, you'll lead the Volturi to our Family!"

Edward calmly push her back. "What do you want me to do, just let her die?"

"Yes!" Rosalie whisper-yelled back. "Yes perhaps you should've!"

Edward's eyebrows furrowed dangerously for what his sister said. "Don't talk about her like that."

Rosalie chuckled in disbelief but before she could reply, Daisey held her arm to get her attention before she pointed at the the back where the said Swan girl was discreetly listening to the conversation.

The blonde glared at the girl heatedly, fists balling before she whipped her head back towards Edward again. "We're not done with this yet." She coldly said before walking out of the hallway where they were but not before shoulder checking the poor Swan girl.

"We're sorry about her, she's on her moods." Daisey apologetically said and dash away to keep up with her sister. "Rosie, where the fuck are you going?!"

Rosalie grumbled, not acknowledging her sister one bit as she speed walk towards her convertible car. "Seriously Rosie. Where the hell are you going?"

"Away from here!" Rosalie snapped back, titling her head slightly to look at her.

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