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Elara thank Merlin for being in time to stop her mate from lashing out to everybody who hurt Rory. She knows how territorial vampire can be and the fact that it's Elara's daughter who got hurt, Rosalie's mate's daughter, made Elara terrified of a possible murder that Rosalie will commit.

The vampire on her hold stayed inhumanly still but not quite as rigid as before. Elara had the urge to use her magic to make Rosalie sleep but it would've been cruel of her to do, so she just let the thoughts go before she coax her mate more into calming down.

"It will be fine, we'll get inside and get Rory out and never take her here again. I'll hire a nanny to take care of them while I work so they won't have to be here." Elara said softly, getting a hold of Rosalie's hand, peppering kisses on her knuckles to which made the vampire gave in and unnecessarily sighed, giving into her mate's wishes with a stiff nod of her head.

Elara sighed gratefully before shooting her a smile. "Now, I will knock on the door and get this over with okay?"

With a single nod from Rosalie, Elara knocked three times before it abruptly opened by a stressed looking Mrs. Smith whose eyes shined brightly when it captured Elara's tall figure but dimmed drastically when she saw the two holding each other's hand.

Rosalie didn't like the way the woman's eyes lit up when she look at Elara, nor she like the way Mrs. Smith invade her mate's personal space by touching her arm in a manner that made Elara squirm uncomfortably, but the woman's hand didn't linger longer when Elara brushed her off and jogged towards her children to take them in her arms.

Rory hugged her mama tightly but she draw back and tearfully held her arms up for Rosalie to take making the blonde take her in her arms, hugging Rory, gently rocking her side to side to stop the little girl from crying.

"Thank God you are here. Your chidren were being difficult to handle and were menace to the class -" Mrs. Smith rambled, truthfully having  been stressed out by the squabble.

"Excuse you?" Rosalie cut her off, as if it offended her, before taking a threatening step forward, her glare piercing on the woman infront of her while Rory was still in her embrace.

Taken aback by the interruption and hostility, she cleared her throat before continuing, nose up in the air. "Well, they were causing ruckus inside the classroom-"

Teddy's nose flared, flailing out of Elara's clutch and point at the smug looking child thats on a woman's arms before yelling indignantly, his British accent prominent on his each and every words making it hard for common folks to understand. "That's not true! This mongrel was bullying me into doing his artwork but I said no so he started terrorizing Rory but Rory fought back so he punched her! Its his fault not ours, not my sister!"

But Mrs. Smith was not having it and wave him off as if his side of the story wasn't important. "As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, which by the way was really disrespectful, you should really raise your child to be more respectful and polite." She quipped, raising an eyebrow at Elara before glancing at Rosalie, judging her. "And find a better partner to raise your kids with."

The nerve of this bitch.

Rosalie was so ready to pounce at her but Elara's cold voice stopped her on her tracks. "As if you're any better."

Mrs. Smith nerves spiked at Elara's sudden coldness to which the half-vampire reveled at and grinned condensingly at the nervous woman. "May I remind you that each and every parents can monitor their children through the CCTV. I quite vividly saw everything that happened."

A flash of recognition can be seen on the daycare teacher's eyes. Her guilt of negligence clearly visible on her body language. "M-maybe we s-should take this up in my office."

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