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"Have you heard about Kevin McCarthy? Said he was found dead in the woods last night." Jessica Stanley babbled, not minding if she was being too loud. "I wonder how Davidson was coping."

Rosalie from across the parking lot sneered at her. She so badly want rip the girl's mouth off for being inconsiderate about other people. Granted that Stanley didn't know the girlfriend of the said dead person was around, she shouldn't have talk about the tragic event lightly.

"She's so fucking inconsiderate." Rosalie seethed when she saw how the said girlfriend of Kevin McCarthy jogged inside the school premises and away from the talking crowd who was side-eyeing her every now and then, expecting her to collapse in grief.

Sarah Davidson.

The Forks high second most popular girl after Rosalie Hale.

Despite being in the foster care for all of her life, she managed to be a decent individual that every foster carers should be proud of and everything was going smoothly in her life. She has the foster parents who cared about her well-being. She have a boyfriend who love her for everything, she have the perfect grades and a sweet group of friends who supports her for everything.

Until the unfortunate night happened. Her whole world crumbled to pieces when the news of her dead boyfriend reach to her and the people around her was not considerate enough to her mourning, even her friend group turned their back on her.

"I know. If only it's not a sin to kill animals, i would've rip her head off." Daisey sarcastically said making her twin roll her eyes in response. "But seriously, I'm gonna check on Sarah later. I feel something really off about her aura today and mind you, I'm never wrong on reading auras."

Alice suddenly froze from where she was standing with Jasper by her side who automatically held her close to him making Edward focus his attention to her and whip his head in alarm towards the twin who were conversing to themselves "Davidson is going to do it. Tonight."

The door to the classroom suddenly opened presenting the dashing Professor who looks like she just walk out of the muggle fashion show.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This Holy shrine, the gentle fine is this; My lips, two blushing pilgrims ready to stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Elara said theatrically, as soon as she entered the classroom with nothing but a notebook on her hand catching the attention of her students who straightened up at her arrival but groaned at the lines that some of them know too well.

She dramatically puff her chest for added effects and tried hard not to chuckle at their disgruntled faces for starting the class so early. She was about to ask who knew the line but an enchanting voice that belongs to the girl that captured her attention, cuts her off.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much. Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For Saints have hands like pilgrims hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." Rosalie played along with the Professor's antics, all the time holding back a smile at Elara's surprised look as her every words carress the Professor's ears.

Elara gulped at the sudden dryness of her throat and replied in the same manner as Rosalie, maintaining their eye contact. "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"

"Ay, pilgrims, lips they must use in prayers." Rosalie craned her neck, her collarbone clearly visible to the professor's eyes. She held back a smirk when she saw how the Professor gulped at the sight of her neck but quickly snapped out of it when she was finally aware of the people looking at the interaction weirdly.

"Well done, Ms. Hale." Elara clapped, giving the blonde a polite smile before averting her gaze away from her. "Romeo and Juliet. Its a tragedy written by William Shakespeare on his early career." Elara paused before leaning to her table, arms crossed on her chest.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now