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"Ain't you a sight for a sore eyes."

Elara sleepily beamed at her mate before stretching her limbs and arms causing her shirt to ride up, giving Rosalie a slight peak of the woman's toned stomach and the outline of her v-line.

Yawning, Elara look at her mate who suddenly grow silent, only to find out that the blonde have been feasting on the view. It boosts her ego a little more than it already was. Turning towards the left, she ride up her shirt teasingly until it was an inch below her boobs,blurting out with her perfectly British accent. "Enjoying the view, love?"

If Rosalie wasn't as flustered as she was at that very moment, she would've secretly swoon but if she can actually blush, she would be as red as tomato in embarrassment. She averted her eyes quickly before peering sheepishly towards the now grinning Professor. "You're so adorable, Ms. Hale." That caught Rosalie off guard even more, as the raspiness of the professor's voice gave justice to her very seductive tone.

Elara can't help it any longer, she burst out laughing at her mate's internal battle with herself making the blonde mumbled unintelligibly that was so out of her character at all.

Elara was about to tease her again when she remembered what happened last night. She scoot forward with a worried frown on her face and gently touch where the mighty Ginny Potter hit her with a shoe and all the time Rosalie was tenderly looking at her in admiration.

"I'm okay." Rosalie softly whispered at her mate whose face was now so close to her own. She can feel Elara's breath hitch when she tenderly held the woman's hand that was caressing her forehead.

Looking into Elara's eyes, Rosalie smiled sweetly at her before taking a risk and kiss the woman's hand delicately as if the woman will break the moment she use a little bit of force.

Elara's eyes glistened as Rosalie maintained eye contact with her. She was so close to her. There was something in Rosalie's eyes that no matter how much she denied, she can feel how much safe she was with the blonde's touch. She have never felt this way before, she've never felt so loved.

That very moment, Elara so badly wants to kiss her mate. She so badly wants to hold the woman so close to her. She wants to feel her touch so badly, but there was something still holding her back from doing so, specifically their status outside of the Black's household and something she didn't want to think of. She craned her neck away, not looking at Rosalie's disappointment but Elara can still feel it so she held the blonde's hand so tight in assurance. "We still have to talk, love."

Rosalie snapped out of her self pity when she heard the pleading of the woman's voice and nodded her head in agreement. "You're right." She was about to scoot away but Elara suddenly lift her body up to cage her mate on the bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Elara grinned mischievously to the woman below her, her arms are on both sides of Rosalie's body. "I said we still have to talk, i didn't say you could move away."

Rosalie look up at her confused. Just earlier, the woman rejected the kiss they could've shared and acted a bit distant only to be a complete clingy afterwards. Her mood swings gave the Hale woman a whiplash, but she didn't comment on it and just let herself be comfortable like the woman above her. "Alright. Apologies, your highness." She sarcastically replied with her own teasing smile.

Elara chuckled at her, getting more comfortable above the vampire before her face turned serious, completely vanishing her playful demeanor that Rosalie matched the moment she saw it. "I know you're my mate." Elara bluntly blurt out to which how much knowledge Rosalie knows the professor have with the vampires, it's still surprised her, but the woman didn't give her a chance to say anything before she continued. "I've known it since the very moment we locked eyes. I had this magical pull inside of me that was calling for you."

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now