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"You've been a really bad girl Rosalie."

The words echoed inside Rosalie's mind as her body was pinned on the door, both of her hands were stilled with an iron-like grip.

Hot breathing caressed her ears as the Professor leaned her body more to Rosalie making the blonde stiffle a whimper at the sudden pressure between her thighs. "Really really bad."

Elara knows what she was doing. She knows that every little force she added, every little pressure she put in between her gorgeous mate's thighs, Rosalie won't ever object.

Elara knew, deep down, Rosalie enjoyed being vulnerable, for once.

Rosalie Hale always act like she's mighty, to everyone else. To everyone else, it's true.

To everyone else, her beauty was beyond compare.

Her intelligence was beyond normal.

Though, she never even want to be the center of attention.

But to be like her, it's inevitable.

Elara leveled her head on the crook of Rosalie's neck, inhaling the scent that draws her in no matter how many times she tried to stop herself. Her actions sent shivers down to Rosalie's spine as she whimpered when Elara pressed her knee between her thighs while grazing her lips on her collarbone.

Elara chuckled at the adorable noise her mate let's out before blowing hot air on Rosalie's ear. "You don't want me to punish you for being such a brat now, do you?" She lowly whispered and chuckled raspily at Rosalie's sudden whine.

The professor freed her right hand and singlehandedly pin both of her mate's hands above head effortlessly without any complaints. She placed her other hand on Rosalie's hips, pushing it to the door more while squeezing it. Her knee buckled up slightly to put more pressure.

A moan break out of the blonde's mouth, her eyes tightly closed. She tried hard to not let out any sound not to boost the Professor's ego more but from the way that Elara was handling her was turning her on more than she could ever imagine.

Elara chuckled on Rosalie's ear again, her lips grazing the blonde's earlobe and tried to rail her up more by nipping on her mate's ear. "Please." The blonde audibly whispered. Her teeth sinking on her lower lip in an attempt to control her last bit of sanity.

Elara's breath hitch when she heard Rosalie begging. Her movement stopped before she gather herself and growled. This woman infront of her was making her loose her mind. Elara buckled her knees harder on Rosalie's center, feeling her mate's pants moist from how wet her center was becoming. "Fuck princess, you're driving me crazy."

"P-Please. I-I more, please i want more, Ms. Black." Rosalie's last bit of sanity flaw out of the window.

She knew that when she let herself be carried away, there's no turning back.

Growling in frustration, Elara squeeze her hip more before pressing her knees harder than before. She wishes that she's doing more than what she was doing right now but she knew it was too soon but it doesn't mean that she won't enjoy every moment of what was happening right at the very moment. "I love it when you beg, princess." Elara breath on the blonde's ear, peppering kisses on her jaw down to her neck.

Rosalie was feeling high.

Like a human taking a drug on a daily basis for its effect.

She never would've imagine that this is how it feels like to have her mate doing all these that drives her wild.

But one thing about her was that, she never been vulnerable to anyone.

She never let anyone see this side of her.

She never met anyone who can handle her.

And she certainly never let anyone over power her.

With that thought in mind, Rosalie snapped out of her reverie. Opening her eyes, she was met by a percieng gray eyes that belonged to the person that who made her head spin, seconds ago.

Elara's lips contorting a smirk which infuriated the blonde more. "I guess play time is over huh, darling."

Growling, Rosalie wiggled her hands out of the professor's tight hold and slipped off the door, turning to strode out of the room with as much dignity as she could muster.

All the while walking in discomfort as her aching clit was begging for her mate to do the things she did again, creating wetness spreading on her already wet underwear.

Elara poked her head out of her classroom with a smug smirk and chuckled darkly in anticipation for the days to come.

She push the door with a smug smirk on her face before it quickly vanished when the door closed.

Groaning, Elara banged her head repeatedly. She's so disappointed with herself.

For all those years of practicing a self restraint with the help of Professor Snape, she should've been more calm and deal with the stuff otherwise.

"Elara Elizabeth Black, what's gotten into you." Groaning, she leaned on the door to stay upright when a sudden knock on the door break her out of her loathing and self disgust.

She open the door only to see one of her students in the afternoon class that's she's handling.

"Um. Professor Black, can I speak with you?" The girl fidget on the spot, looking anywhere but Elara.

Though the girl couldn't see it, Elara shot her a comforting smile before she open the door wide for the girl and strolled towards her table, comfortably sitting on her chair with a deep sigh. "Sure. Ms. Davidson right? Take a sit."

Elara motioned the chair infront of her receiving a nervous nod from the girl. "How can I help you, Ms. Davidson?"

Sarah hung her head low. Her hands on her lap as she fidget with her fingers. Tears streaming down to her cheeks before she whispered. "I wanted to die."

Rosalie Hale strolled on the hallway with a deep scowl on her face, all the while fighting back a smile.

She knows the she should've been mad considering how she walk out of the scene but from the smug smirk plastered on her mate's face, no matter how much it infuriated her, it also amused her to no end.

But to think that her mate didn't get to continue what she about to do because of her stupid pride, Rosalie want to snap her own neck.

The students parted like a red sea and made a room for her to walk from the way she was glaring daggers to them, they all don't wanna cross path with an angry vixen.

Rosalie proceeded towards her convertible car, not minding if she's leaving her siblings to themselves.

She's just so lucky that she's wearing a long sleeved polo untucked, curtaining the wet jeans that she currently has.

Getting inside her car, she cast another stinky eye to those people who was looking at her before speeding out of the parking lot all the time thinking how she wanna get revenge to her stupidly hot mate.


Hi my thirsty souls! It's been awhile huh.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next chapter! Toodles <3

Oh and special thanks to my beloved who's patient enough to edit it. Thank you darling BlakeB990 ❤️

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now