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Rosalie was fuming even when she got home before dawn after giving her mate the cold shoulder for the rest of the night.

Every step she took felt heavy.

She could still feel the touches of her mate on her skin. She could still feel the kisses and Elara's hot breath fanning her nape and ear. She could still feel the touch on her thighs and the need to feel a pressure on her clit increased doubled just by the memory of her mate's voice which was why she was mad in the first place.

How could Elara frustrate her like that?

How could she be so damn tease!

Rosalie growled, scaring the poor Emmett who ran towards his mate for help. He doesn't even have the courage to face the wrath of Rosalie alone, who knows what she'll do to him just to let out all of her anger.

Daisey along with her husband, who was cowering right behind her, inched forward to Rosalie slowly as a precaution, as if her sister was a wild animal ready to pounce once triggered.

"Is there something wrong, Rose?" The fuming woman's sister timidly asked, shaking off her mate's hand that was gripping her shirt like a child.

Rosalie gave them the meanest glare she could muster, before speedily ran towards her own room, closing her door with a bang, making the mother figure of the coven yell at her from the kitchen. "Be careful with the door, Rosalie! Kids these days." Esme mumbled the last part, shaking her head, exasperated.

Daisy quietly giggled, squirming to stop herself from laughing before she couldn't hold it anymore. She boisterously laugh at the smell of arousal that she inhaled from when her sister moved past them towards her room.

It doesn't take a mind reader to know that the Professor was the root of her Rosalie's frustration. Rosalie hearing her laugh, cast a menacing glare on the door as if it was her sister. "SHUT UP DAISEY!" She yelled before getting inside her bathroom to wash up, slamming her door in the process, making Daisey snort again while her husband was looking at her, confused.

Elara did a million things to calm her mate down, but to no avail. She even went as far as hunting a bear and presented it in front of her mate when everyone was asleep, but Rosalie just scoffed at her before rolling her eyes.

Typical blondie reaction really.

The Black grumbled incoherently, making her students who were busy writing something down on their papers look up at her in questioning but the blondie that she so badly wanted to get a reaction from, didn't even look up. She waved them off before turning around, crossing her arms with a pout on her lips. She misses her mate so much.

She didn't mean to bail out at the last minute of their private extracurricular activities. She snorted at the thought but sighed.

She didn't want her mate to feel as though she was hurrying. That the pull of the mate bond is the only reason they're together.

She wants Rosalie to feel special.

And she wants their first to be memorable.

That was why she stopped herself, before anything happened. She didn't want her experience with her mate to be like how she was conceived.

Grimacing at the thought, Elara sighed at the pang of guilt and pain whenever she thought about her father.

She can still vividly remember how devastated and broken she was when she saw her father vanish into thin air with just a flick of the wand of the person they called blood relative.

June 18, 1996, Death Chamber, Department of Mysteries

Elara's gasp rang inside of the quiet room of the Death chamber where the fight between the Orders and Deatheaters were taking place. Everyone stilled on their place when they saw how Sirius died right in front of his daughter's eyes and the agonizing cries of the two people who loved him dearly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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