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Rosalie was fuming.

She have never been humiliated, never been edged and never been frustrated in her entire life.

Granted she did enjoy what transpired within the closed door but for what didn't happen is what infuriated her the most.

She stopped on her tracks as soon as the thought hit her only to internally shrieked at the absurdity of her thoughts that were unladylike. What in the lamb of God was she thinking! She never had such preposterous thoughts before. She wants to curse her mate for being so damn seductive and influencing her to have such wicked thoughts in her head.

Getting out of her car she trudged towards the front door of their house growling lowly to herself. She glared at Emmett who was about to open his mouth with his shit eating grin only to back away when he saw the hard glare that even Carlisle would cower in fear to.

Stomping like a child on the staircase, she whispered lowly to herself. "You'll pay for that, Professor." before slamming her bedroom door creating a loud sound echoing around the house.

Cringing, Daisy glanced up the staircase before looking towards her mate with a shake of her head. "Oh boy."

Elara was feeling all kinds of emotions as she strolled on the hallway towards the parking lot, her mind was all around the place. She could still remember what took place in the office, starting from her mate to the student that she didn't even know, burdened by such a thing that a young individual shouldn't even worrying about.

"W- I beg your pardon?" Elara looked at the girl bewildered. She didn't expect for the girl to drop something drastic as that.

Sarah hang her head low as if she was embarrassed by what she said but look back up with her shining misty eyes. "I wanted to die."

Elara's breath hitched when she heard the statement once in a row before shaking her head. "So I've heard but that's not the point." Elara sighed before continuing. "Why?"

Sarah bowed her head again in shame. She knows that whatever her excuse may be, suicide wasn't the key to everything. "We've promised forever." She whispered as tears flowing down her eyes.

Elara, taking a notice of it, wordlessly conjured a tissue who have gone unnoticed by the student infront of her and hand it over with sympathy and worry clearly written on her face.

Accepting the tissue, Sarah dubbed it on her cheeks before continuing, her voice strained from the occasional hiccups. "He was there when no one does. He believed in me when I haven't really done anything other than fail my math exams." She tearfully chuckled, thinking fondly of the memory that they had together. "He was there when my foster parents were pressuring me about taking up the degree that they wanted for me or else they wouldn't take me in anymore. My life wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but he was still there. He was my shoulder to cry on and key to my life. He was always there but now that he's gone, I don't know what to do." Sarah painfully sobed.

It was clear to anyone to see that she loved the guy with everything in her. That she relied on him, that they were in no way near on the 'puppy love' stage that everyone labeled to all of the relationships in high school.

Elara let out a shaky sigh, feeling herself getting emotional as well. She knows what it feels like.

She knew what it feels like to lose people who mean so much to her.

What it felt like to not be given the chance to talk to them again.

To hear from them again.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now