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Rosalie waited patiently for her mate to utter something but the woman was stuck in her own thoughts. The blonde can only guess that the offer was too risky for her mate, she internally blamed herself for it. "I mean you don't have to agree, I was just laying it out there." She continued, clearing her throat. "Esme has been our mother figure for years and she likes kids so I think she'll be a good nanny while you're still trying to find one."

Elara look at her intently, taking her words into account before humming. "I guess you're right."

Rosalie beamed at her but stopped when she saw Elara was still contemplating. "But I don't think I'll be comfortable leaving them there Rosalie." Elara disappointedly muttered, her hand immediately connected with her mate's. "Don't get me wrong, I know you are close with her as your mother figure but as a mother too, I don't think I will be comfortable leaving them where they can be in danger with just a mere cut on the finger. I hope you understand that, darling."

Rosalie sighed in defeat before smiling up slightly to convey she was not offended at all. "I understand, protective mama." She teased, putting a bit pressure on her mate's hand to reassure her more. "I wasn't thinking of the consequences. I'm sorry."

Elara was quick to shake her head, lifting Rosalie's chin to smile at her in assurance. "No no, darling. It's really kind of you to try and help me, I appreciate you loads."

Elara look up and hummed, a thought flashing in her mind. "How about I call my god brother's wife for babysitting?"

Rosalie's eyes widened by the mention of the red-headed woman who made her question her immortality by a mere throw of the shoe that hit her head. Oh god, it was really embarrassing. "Or not." She mumbled.

Rosalie winced, feeling as though she was being hit again by a flying shoe. Elara nearly snort but catching herself quickly. "Don't worry, love. She won't try anything again."

But Rosalie was still apprehensive making Elara giggled at the funny faces she's making. "Why do you look so scared? Aren't you the Ice Princess of Forks who don't give a shit?"

Rosalie snorted at her teasing before giving her a look and playfully scoffed. "I will never, and for your information, it's Ice Queen."

Elara smirked at the blonde. "Oooh, like em' feisty." She teased, nudging the blonde by the shoulder making her mate chuckle alongside her. "In all seriousness though, I apologize for what happened. You were there at the wrong time and it was really embarrassing that you had met my family that way."

Rosalie took both of Elara's hands, playing with it to calm the flustered woman. She forgot how meeting your partner-to-be's family can be really nerve wracking to both of the partners and she never have experienced it even when she was still a human. "That will be an unforgettable memory that will last for eternity. It's my pleasure meeting them even with my hazy state." Rosalie stated, amused at the flustered woman. "But I hope, I can meet them all when the time is right and we figured out what to do with the both of us and your children."

Elara nodded her head, her eyes connected to their intertwined hands, rubbing her thumbs on Rosalie's hands. "Speaking of family, aren't yours concerned about your whereabouts?"

Rosalie rolled her eyes at the mention of her family. She got into a fight with Carlisle and Edward for getting close to Elara. She hates it.

She hates how they can be wary about her mate who they knew isn't a mere mortal when they were openly fraternizing with a human that's more dangerous if the Volturi get a whiff of. She hates how much they remind her of how dangerous she can be for her mate's children when they knew how in control she is and how desperate she is to have a child of her own.

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