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"Have you heard about what happened with the English teacher last friday?" Jessica Stanley whispered to her friend Angela, shuddering at the thought of it. Her whole group of friends were situated on a table in the other corner of the cafeteria.

Angela winced, "Of course, it's the only topic going around Forks. I wonder who the replacement will be. It's Monday, they can't find anyone immediately."

"I mean it can't be bears right? If it was an animal attack, why did the body have fangs bites and only fangs bites with limbs intact and drained with blood." Jessica continued, as if not hearing Angela, taking a bite on her apple.

Mike looked at her in disgust. "Come on, in front of my salad?"

But Jessica shrugged her shoulders, waving him off. "Maybe it was a vampire."

The group of friends sat in silence as their movements stopped, unintentionally freezing the group of teenagers on the other side of the cafeteria.

Bella Swan snapped out of her thoughts as she debated whether it was possible or not. "Vampire?"

But the group of friends burst out laughing, "You should've seen your face Bella." Eric chuckled at her. "Come on, there's no such thing as vampires. That's just fiction and it's lame."

"Imagine living in a coffin, can't survive in daylight, can't even eat chicken tenders. Lame." Mike chimed in, "There's no such thing."

Oh how wrong they were.

Lauren, one of their friends, abruptly opened the door of the cafeteria causing a loud noise to erupt, catching the attention of people inside.

Squealing in delight, she ran towards her group of friends before slapping Jessica's arm repeatedly as she took a sit beside her friend. Words died down her mouth, her face nearly exploded in excitement.

Her friends looked at her weirdly as Jessica winced at her friend's volatile action before retaliating. "Girl, speak!" she ordered.

Lauren let out a breath repeatedly before calming herself down. "You're not gonna believe what I saw."

Eric snorted and took a bite on his sandwich, completely uninterested before nonetheless asked, "What?"

"The substitute English teacher is absolutely gorgeous!" Lauren squealed once more, her hands wrap together.

Her group of friends and even Bella whipped their heads towards the girl. Jessica slapping her friend in delight. "Where where where fucking where girl?"

Lauren winced, rubbing her arms soothingly. "Ouch. She was at the principal's office, talking to Mr. Greene. Geez Jessica, that fucking hurts."

Angela grinned at them teasingly. "Too bad, she'll be teaching English for the senior year then." Earning a groan from the group.

Lauren groaned and rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Yeah well, we'll gonna see her here anyway. Mr. Greene will personally tour her around."

A sudden velvety laugh outside the cafeteria can be heard as Mr. Greene together with Elara continued their way towards the cafeteria, stopping infront of the door.

Mr. Greene grinned, flashing his white teeth to the new addition to his faculty. "Shall we?" he pointed at the door earning a smile and a nod from Elara.

"We shall."

Alice heard the principal clearly from the end of the cafeteria, squealed in delight before smiling mischievously towards Rosalie. "Ready, Rose?" earning a questioning look from the blonde.

The door to the cafeteria opened as two figures entered. Mr. Greene together with a woman wearing an expensive white long sleeved polo rolled half on her arms that accentuate her toned arms, her black pants fitted perfectly for the woman and a black pointed shoes. Her stature approximately 6 foot. The messy style of her short hair looks incredibly hot that suits perfectly with herself. Her dark eyeliner made her strange blue and gray eyes popped. Her suit jacket was cradled on her left arm while her other hand on her pocket portraying the nonchalant vibe that every girls love to see. All in all she exudes sexual appeal that people around her swoon. There's no denying that this woman takes care of herself, it was obvious of how she exudes confidence just by the way she interacts with the principal.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now