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It was now their last period, but the class was still buzzing with excitement like never been before due to the new addition to the faculty.

The excitement was palpable. Not only they admired the physic of the new teacher, but they finally get to have teacher who was young can maybe keep up and connect with them in a way that not older teachers can.

Rosalie was fuming, and for once in her immortal life, not because of the people around her but of herself. How could she embarrass herself in front of her siblings? How could she show a pathetic side of her that even herself didn't even know existed.

She presented herself as a collected individual, void of emotions other than hatred of human kind. For a single person to disrupt her bubble and the images that Rosalie created in her head was baffling, but Rosalie couldnt find it in herself to hate the root of her embarrassment.

She glared at everyone, feeling possessive over someone who she never even talked to, but she longed for with everything in her. She was located at the back of the room for personal space as she never felt comfortable sitting in front and in the middle.

"Relax." Emmett mutters, amused, when he saw how hard she was clenching her jaw and fists, making an indent on the sides of the table.

Rosalie rolled her eyes in response and was about to chastise him when the door opened and silencing the students like never been before.

Standing at the door was the woman she felt a pull with. She felt the familiar heat radiating off of her body when the enchanting woman latched her eyes towards her and it baffled her how much power the new teacher possessed. Elara basically have Rosalie in the palm of her hands and Elara didn't even know.

"Good afternoon ladies, gentlemen and everything in between." The woman's raspy voice rung inside the room. Her British accent was prominent and it made the students blush and some fanned themselves as if it suddenly went hot inside the room. Her arms opened wide for more theatrics, drawing multiple admiring looks when they saw the big tattoos of snakes for the whole length of her arms that were visible. Her cheerful smile plastered on her face contradicting her dark aura and it made everyone around her match her mood. They've never seen a teacher smile with glee in front of them, granted that all of the faculties were either old and look done with their lives. This looks more refreshing in their eyes.

"Good afternoon ma'am!" An enthusiastic response greeted her, making her chuckle a bit. Placing her things on the table, she eyed everyone in amusement as they looked at her in awe and almost lovestruck except the other two at the back. The blonde bombshell was eyeing her like a hawk and Elara have to stop herself for shooting her a wink again just to get a reaction.

"Well, before anything else, allow me to introduce myself." She said professionally, unbuttoning her suit before taking it off and placing it on her chair. "Well, not really introduce. More like, I'll tell you something about me."

She eyed everyone before her eyes stopped abruptly on the blonde beauty that captured her attention. "You'll call me Professor Black with all intent and purposes or I won't acknowledge your existence at all." She rasped out, her voice sultry without even trying.

And Rosalie felt another wave of heat shooting to her core, her insides pulsating as she squeezed her thighs together. Her breath hitched at the dominant aura radiating off of the woman. It was contradicting her cheerful self seconds prior.

"I graduated from Stanford University with a degree in English Literature and Biology and have my masters degree at same school as well. Firstly, I apologize in advance if I disappoint you with my teaching skills as this is my first time teaching high school. I'm called here at the very last minute and my area of expertise is mostly in tutoring college students and occasionally substitutes when the professors in colleges and universities are on leave but I'll try my best to share with you the knowledge that I have. Feel free to question me, correct me in anyway or give opinions on the lessons. I won't hold it against you if you ever suggest anything that will help you learn." Elara explained wholeheartedly with an understanding sweet smile on her lips, drawing smiles from everyone.

One of the students in front raised his hand, earning a nod from Elara. "Yes, dear?"

Blushing furiously at the endearment accompanied by a British accent, the boy stuttered. "H-how old are you Miss?"

Elara chuckled, amused. Sitting on table, she raises her hand and waived her point finger side to side with a playful tut. "You never ask a woman her age, dear." Earning a laugh from the students. "Now any other questions?"

Another boy wearing a varsity jacket raised his hand, earning oohs from his peers and a nod from the woman. "Do you have a boyfriend ma'am?" he inquired, his friends woop in response making him smirk arrogantly.

From the way Elara observed, he looks like the typical American jock that treat his peers horribly and make bullying a hobby but again, she didn't comment on that. She just open her arm playfully and point at herself, smirking. "You think a guy can handle me, dear?"

They hormonal boys let out a dejected grunt but squeals erupted from the side of the equally hormonal girls. Elara laughs at the absurdity of the situation that the whole class can pick up quickly on her insinuation. "You have a girlfriend then Professor?" another girl asked, shooting her hand up in the process, the girl batting her eyelashes for added effect.

But Elara smiled at her teasing, before casting everyone a mysterious look, looking briefly at the blonde beauty at the back of the classroom. "I don't have one, yet." She said, emphasizing the word yet. This earns her cheers from the girls and Elara could only shake her head in amusement, thoroughly amused.

"Ah ah ah!" waiving her point finger again, she tut. "Enough of the fun folks. Questions are continuing next meeting, let me do my job properly now."

Scattered of grunts and protests rung inside the classroom that made her chuckle a bit before she cast everyone her feigned sympathy. "I know I know. I was supposed to be the cool one but I don't want you to fall behind. I won't ask too much from you for now but I would like all of you to write an essay about what you have learned in English Literature, of course. It's just my way to evaluate and assess where I should start. I don't need lengthy, just a brief summary and afterwards, you can place it here on the table and you're free to leave. You may start." Clapping her hand twice, she turned her back on them before taking a sit on the chair near the table, all the time keeping herself from casting another discreet glance towards the blonde girl to see her looking directly at her.

Placing her arm on the table, Elara cupped her chin in her hand while maintaining the eye contact with the blonde bombshell who never was discreet on gawking at Elara's arm while biting her lower lip, making Elara smirk at the sight. She could only imagine what was running inside Rosalie's mind.

But from the looks that she gave the Professor, they were not innocent thoughts at all. Elara wanted to tease the blonde again, but before she could come up with anything, she heard a joyful laugh from the hallway far from where the classroom was located, making her sit upright and sigh in amusement and worry.

A joyous laughter can be heard in one of the halls in Forks high school as the 6 years old little girl runs in hysteria. She pushed past students to get away from her god brother.

"You can't get me, you can't get me Teddy!" she taunted her brother, sticking her tongue out before continuing her run towards the classroom where cheery lady with a pale face directed them to go. Students scattered around the hallways awwed at the sight of the little children.

Teddy, who was stressed greatly because of his sister's antics, calls after her. "Rory slow down!" but his sister did not slow down a bit, making him shake his head and run after her. "Rory you will get hurt, slow down!"

Hearing footsteps of her brother, Aurora squealed and abruptly pushed the door catching the attention of the students inside the classroom and a particular blonde nearly lost it when she saw the exact face but mini version of the person that was in her mind ever since she saw her.

Aurora flashed her mother her toothy grin, shooting her arms up, beaming and bouncing on her feet. "Mama!"

Before anyone could react, another small figure breathlessly held the little girl's hand and crouched down, holding his one knee before looking up at Elara smiling sheepishly. "Sorry mama, Rory runs faster."

And Rosalie can only look at the children dumbfounded.

LOVE ME HARDER PROFESSOR | ROSALIE HALEWhere stories live. Discover now