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Elara should've noticed the time. Every morning, when she became a mother of two, it was her daily routine to wake up earlier in the morning to prepare for the kids and do her daily routine and she never missed an opportunity to be on her children's side whenever they wake. Now, that her daughter was right infront of her instead of Elara stirring her up, beaming innocently while catching her and Rosalie in a rather compromising position, Elara want the ground to swallow her whole.

Fuck me. She thought.

It was all new to her.

Alyona, her ex lover on a sense, have never slept with her on the same bed after THAT unfortunate but rather fortunate night. Even her past hook-ups as well, it was never in her personal room. I guess you could say, that even when Elara wasn't raised the way her cousin Draco was raised, the stuck up purebloods that Gryffindor often refer to them, she's rather reserved and demure, her rather introverted self contributed by the blood of nobility that was flowing inside her veins that she despised with all of her being.

A loud rustle from outside the room was heard followed by the thundering of little footsteps that Elara guessed belongs to her godson and goddaughter. A petite woman with unruly hair peered over the door to look at Elara sheepishly as to convey her apologies for not stopping Rory and ruining the Black's moment with her mate. She sidestepped and take ahold of Rory's little shoulders, pulling her softly out of the room. "I'm so sorry Lara. I tried to stop her but you know how Rory is."

Elara momentarily forgot the embarrassment of being caught by her daughter, chuckled adoringly. "It's alright 'mione. It's my fault for forgetting to wake up early."

Hermione did the same to the blonde while tugging the child out of the room, wanting to give the couple a bit of privacy but Rory was not having it. "Come on Rory, give them time to prepare for the day."

Rory pouted, wiggling out of her godmother's clutches. "But Aunt 'mione, I want to play with Roselie."

Hermione sighed. She knows for a fact that no matter how much force she use on Rory, it won't possibly work as the child is a one quarter part vampire and she can't afford to make a scene infront of Rosalie when the blonde don't really know what Rory's capable of. She let go of the child and ruffled her hair before sending the two an apologetic glances while mouthing she's sorry and exiting the room awkwardly after she excused herself, leaving the two to take care of the child who can't contain her energy any longer.

"Now Rory." Elara paused, hiding her amusement by shaking her head. "What got you so giddy missy?" She raised an eyebrow at the excited little girl who plopped herself on the bed and proceeded to ignore her question, zooming towards the pretty blonde's arms.

"I see how it is." She grumbled dejectedly when the two have their own little world that she didn't know if she's allowed to even crashed.

The nerve of this two.

"Roselie, will you stay with us today?" Rory pouted, giving her best puppy dog eyes to get what she wanted and from the looks of it, the blonde want to give in but sighed dejectedly.

She pat the little girl's head softly before encasing Rory in her arms again. "I'm sorry Rory, I got nothing to wear here for school and my family must be worrying about me not going home last night."

Rory's lower lips trembled, her eyes turned glossy at the thought of not being able to spend time with the pretty woman making frown at the look she was giving her. "Oh no princess, don't be sad. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

That didn't seem to ease the little girl as she turned away from Rosalie, her shoulders trembling as an indication that she's crying, turning the blonde to become desperate for help from the mother of the child.

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