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A/N: another popular request!!

Draco's POV:

"Knock." I mumbled to Kalen as I typed on my phone, finishing an email that I should've sent out last night.

Kalen did a little knock like I said then turned back to me. "No more work." He huffed as he took my phone and tucked it in his pocket. "You'll be staring at it all night."

"Weasley will be staring at his all night."

"Weasley is going to be cooking and so are you. No phone."

"So the men are going to be the ones cooking?"

"Nice. Try."

"You know I'm right."

He huffed and crossed his arms, leaning back against the pillar and looked down at the ground.

Then the door opened and I was face to face with a glaring Weasley. "I want to murder you." He muttered.

His hair was messed up and his shirt wasn't pulled down his body all the way, his sweatpants were pretty low on his hips too.

"You're the one who invited us." I said with a smirk.

"Bee invited you." He corrected me. "I had other plans."

"You still tried to go through with those plans." Kalen said.

"I will murder you first."

"Where's the nice one?"

"Putting her panties back on."

"No filter."


"So do we get to come in or..."

"I'd prefer if you didn't."

"Freddie, move." Brooke mumbled and Fred huffed as he stepped out of the way and fixed his shirt. "Why are you just standing there?"

"We're not welcomed in." Kalen said.

"What are you talking about? Yes you are."

"See, nice one." He said as we walked in past Weasley.

"What?" Brooke asked.

"Nothing." Weasley mumbled.

"So do Brooke and I just talk while you guys do all the work?" Kalen asked.

"Nope. We're helping with dinner this time." Brooke said. "We're making pizza."

"Pizza? Can't we just order pizza?" I asked.

"That's what I said." Weasley huffed.

"It's fun when you make it from scratch though." Brooke said.

"Have you ever made it from scratch?" I asked.

"... no."

"We should just order pizza."

"But I already bought all the ingredients." She pouted a little.

"Okay, okay." I said and put my hands up defence. The pout was gone and she smiled then walked into the kitchen.

"How?" I whispered.

"You get used to it after a while." Weasley mumbled.

"She just went from sad to happy in a second though." Kalen said.

"She can go from crying to horny in a millisecond."

"... I think I've seen that before."

Brooke came back over to us and grabbed onto Weasley's waistband of his sweatpants.

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