| F O R T Y - E I G H T |

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Brooklyn's POV:

-Sixth Year-

Thunderstorms are so fucking annoying. Not only are there loud claps of thunder, but the brightness of the lightening lights up the whole dorm even with the curtains drawn, and the rain pelting down on the roof and windows are annoyingly loud.

I also get nervous in thunderstorms. I don't have a phobia of them or anything, they're just unsettling.

Sometimes it feels like the end of the world. This storm feels like it.

It February and fucking cold in my dorm.

I could really use Fred's body heat right now...

Earlier on I was sitting in the library with Fred as I did my homework, but then he had to leave for a detention (skipped charms for the third time this week). He said it was only an hour and would meet me back here but I got tired and an hour after he left so I texted him to meet me in my dorm when he finished. He got caught by prefects trying to get up to my dorm and he texted me, saying he'd see me in the morning.

I want to sleep with him tonight though.

Like actually just curl up with him and sleep.

He fucked me this morning... I mean, I could always go again.

To make this whole storm worse, Ellie isn't even here. She's with a Ravenclaw doing an assignment and said she's pulling an all nighter with her.

Meaning I can't talk to her, and I'm alone with Alex, who snores so fucking loud.

I huffed and turned over in my bed, grabbing my phone off my nightstand. I typed in my password quickly and went to Freddie's pinned contact.

ME: you up?

I stared at my bright phone for five minutes.

FREDDIE<3: now I am

I smiled, knowing it wasn't in a rude way.

ME: Alex is snoring so loud

FREDDIE<3: put a pillow over his face

ME: Fred

ME: I'm not killing him

FREDDIE<3: it would shut him up

ME: how was detention

ME: what did you do?

FREDDIE<3: your daddy dearest made me scrub the cauldrons and desks

ME: you're so lucky you're dating his daughter

FREDDIE<3: the luckiest

FREDDIE<3: is there something wrong?

ME: nope

ME: just checking up

ME: I'll let you sleep

ME: Goodnight Freddie

FREDDIE<3: Goodnight Bee

I smiled a little as I put my phone back down, but squirmed when another crack of thunder rang through the room.

I sat up in bed and looked around the room.

We should seriously redecorate...

"Brooke?" Alex mumbled. "What are you doing up?"

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