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Fred's POV:

I couldn't get out of it for any longer. It's been five weeks since Bean was born and in those five weeks, I've gotten my mum to stay away.

Then she finally got the idea to call Bee because she won't say no. But, Bee being a good girl, came to me and asked. I said no and that was that.

Then my mum pulled the fucking family picture card.

And we were forced to go.

I've said no about five times. Saying we're busy. Bean is sick. Bee is sick. I'm sick. And also that I didn't care about fucking family pictures.

Guess who's still going?

Technically we were supposed to be there an hour ago and I just finished getting dressed after a shower. Bee should be already dressed, and when I got in the shower, she said she was getting Bean dressed.

I went down the stairs as I buttoned up my shirt, and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle and formula and made one up quickly, then tucked it into the pocket of the grey diaper bag.

"Bee, we gotta go, love." I said as I grabbed my phone off the charger.

I tucked it into the pocket of my trousers then walked over to the front door and grabbed the carrier for Bean.

"Bee." I raised my voice.

I put the carrier on the counter then went back up the stairs, opening the door to the nursery.

Bean was laying on the ground on a blanket, still wearing the purple onesie I put her in this morning.

Bee was asleep on the ground next to her, curled up still in her tee shirt and sweatpants.

I chuckled to myself as I walked over to them and sat down next to Bee. She moaned tiredly in her sleep and rolled over to her other side, putting her head on my lap and wrapped her arms around my thigh.

Yeah, fuck the pictures.

I put my hand on the back of her head and ran my fingers through her hair. I looked over at Bean and saw she was for sure out, then I laid back and tucked my arm behind my head.

Bee cuddled her face more into my lap, then relaxed on me.

I laid there for a while as they both slept, then after a little while longer, I dozed off too.

I don't think we were asleep for that long. Maybe an hour. Or two.

Maybe it was a while.

We only woke up when Bean started to cry. Bee sat up, slowly opening her eyes as she looked at me in confusion. Her hair was messed up and there was a little bit of drool.

"Wh- why are you wearing work clothes- oh my god!" She gasped.

I sat up on my forearms and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. It was four and we were supposed to be there at 12.

I had a lot of missed calls and lot nice messages from my mum.

"Fuck," Bee whispered as she got up, making me grunt when she put her hand right over my dick as she got up. "I'll be right back."

I sighed and grabbed Bean, slipping her pacifier back into her mouth then held her to my chest and laid back flat again. I grabbed my phone from beside me and dialled my mum back.

"Fred Weasley! I swear to god this was the last straw! You were supposed to be here four hours ago! I have had multiple people call you and you don't answer! Brooke didn't answer! I was about to call the goddamn police! Everyone showed up except for you two for god knows what! Everyone is still here and will be here for dinner! You will be here too! You, Brooke, and Emery! You have half an hour before I go to your house and drag you out by your ear!" She screamed so loud I had to pull my phone away from my ear. "Half! An! Hour!" Then she hung up.

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