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Fred's POV:

I gave Bee's ass a tap as she reached down for the barbell to do her reps of deadlifts. She has ten pounds on each side when she used to lift fives on each side. Slow progress.

"Bend your knees a little more." I said to her before she grabbed the bar. She bent down a little more and positioned her hands, but didn't pick it up. I crouched down behind her and put a hand on her ankle, moving it further away from the other foot.

She picked up the bar, held it for a second, then lowered it until it almost touched the ground, then pulled it back up.

"Good girl, eight more." I said and patted her ankle.

"How much did your dog cost?" Kalen asked as he walked over to me, one AirPod in his ear as he looked down at his phone.

"Five hundred." I said.

"Kobe was five hundred dollars?!" Bee exclaimed, wobbling a little from losing her attention.

"Focus love." I said and looked up at Kalen. "Why?"

"Carley wants a pet for her birthday." He sighed. "So it's either a fish, cat or dog, but I don't really know if we're cat people and fish are just a waste of time."

Bee whimpered and rocked a little on her feet. "Four more love." I said.

"Are dogs a lot to handle though because we're going to be the one taking care of it."

"If you got a trained dog you'll be fine." I said.

"I can't Freddie." Bee moaned.

I reached a hand between her legs and grabbed onto the bar, lifting it up a little to take some weight off of her. "You can't quit baby c'mon." I urged her forward.

"Isn't that only like 60 pounds—" Kalen stopped talking when I glared over at him. Bee's happy that she moved up weights.

I stood up straight and put my hands on Bee's sides, fixing her posture, then I swatted my hand against her ass. "Two more."

"I fucking hate you." She groaned.

"Oh but this cat is kinda cute. It's a kitten." Kalen mumbled and tilted his phone to me, showing me some white furred blue eyed kitten. "But I was looking at a husky puppy. Maybe we should just get both and let her pick which one she wants."

"What if she wants both." I said.

Even for my one year old, if you give her an option between two foods she'll want both and give you those same fucking big eyes that Bee gives me until I give Emmy both things.

"Then we'll sit down and have a talk about how life isn't fair." He said.

"Ten!" Bee gasped, dropped then weight, then dropped to her ass at my feet. "Water, please." She panted. I reached over to the bench and grabbed hers and passed it to her. Instead of drinking out of the mouth piece, she took off the lid and started chugging from there.

"Snakes are cool." Kalen went on.

"Do not get your daughter a fucking snake." I said.

"Then you'd have to give mice." Bee said, then started chugging again.

"Draco doesn't even want to get her an animal but that's all she asked for. What does Emmy want?" Kalen asked.

"Not a pet." I said. Kobe still has like 10 years left to him and I'm not getting another animal.

"At first I said like an iPad or some shit but Draco said no— does Emmy watch tv or anything."

"No." Bee said after finishing the whole water bottle. "We're keeping her away from screens for as long as we can."

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