| T W E N T Y - F I V E |

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I'm a hot mum.

It's been a month since I had emmy, and let me tell you, it's been a-fucking-mazing. Like, actually really good.

Yes, the first week was hard, but Fred and I just got used to it. Fred can adapt to things- routines- easy. I adapt to following around him easy. If he knows what he's doing, I somewhat have a clue too.

Since Emery was born a whole month and two weeks premature, she didn't do much. Like said; she slept and ate. That's all. Towards the end of the first month, she tended to be awake more often, but she didn't really cry. If she had a pacifier, she would go quiet.

The shop is going really well. Me and El are doing some work at home that Lee can't do, like paperwork that needs the owners signature. But that's all. We don't really have a lot since technically we're on maternity leave.

George is back at the shop but Fred isn't. He also does work from home, and only stuff he really has to do. And, he said that since they just hired more employees, they're able to take off days- well not go into the shop, and just do work at home. El and I agreed that we needed to do the same. It just seemed easier.

For a body update, things are looking pretty good. I've actually thinned out a lot. It wasn't even like I gained weight when I was pregnant, my skin just expanded, and there's obviously the uteri's factor. I did my research on how back to your normal physique faster, and I found a lot of workouts. I'm happy to say they're working took.

It's lot of core movement, which at first, I hated, but after the first week, I kinda got over the pain. I've also been doing yoga with El which helps 'decompress' my uterus a little.

Obviously I'm not doing that intense of workouts since I'm still healing for at least two more weeks, but I'm actually happy to say I'm almost back to normal.

I've also been eating super healthy. Like, I drink smoothies and eat greens. And I've been eating almost every meal which makes Fred happy.

For Emmy, she's gained a pound, and is now slowly starting to fit into newborn clothes and now premie, which is kinda sad, but as of right now, she can still wear that size.

Two weeks after I had her, we let people see her. We just wanted to be really careful with the germs around her before that because she was at higher risk for getting sick.

Everyone gasped over her eyes when the saw her, which I knew they'd do. Probably everyone will.

I had no problem with letting people hold her.

Fred however...

He didn't really care if Ellie had two babies and knew how to hold one properly. He didn't want people holding her.

Just like when Kalen left his hand on my waist after hugging me for a little two long. Fred told him 'let the fuck go of her' and Kalen quickly did.

Our friends all met her. The only ones who haven't is the parents. Fred is especially iffy about. He really doesn't like people holding her, and we both know how Molly is. When Grayson was born, she never wanted to let go of him.

Molly has been asking to meet Emmy, but Fred just keeps on saying we don't want her at risk for sickness, and no one else has seen her.

But guess who didn't call?

My mum.

My dad called five days after I had Emmy and asked what her name was and how she was. We talked for 20 minutes, then he said he had some work to do.

But my mum never called. And Y'know what? I don't fucking care. She isn't important right now.

Right now, Emery, Fred, and me, are important.

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