| T W E N T Y - E I G H T |

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Fred's POV:

I walked into the living room, coming from the kitchen, seeing the bottle I put down on the coffee table 10 minutes ago.

"Bee," I said, looking down at her. She was sat criss crossed on the couch, just staring at the bottle. "Hey, I told you to give that to Bean 10 minutes ago." She didn't say anything. "Love, I'm talking to you." She didn't even fucking look at me. Is she asleep with her eyes open? Or ignoring me. "Brooklyn!"

She blinked and looked up at me with a confused look.

"Why are you yelling at me?" She mumbled.

"Did you not just hear me talking to you?" I asked. She shook her head no. "I told you to feed Bean 10 minutes ago. Why didn't you?"

"Oh- I don't know. Sorry." She said quietly and looked away from me.

I waited a minute. She made no move to grab our daughter and feed her.

"Bee," I said and she looked back up at me.


"Feed. Emery." I said.

"You fucken do it. Oh my god." She said as she got up.

"Excuse me? What is with the attitude?"

"I don't have one. You're the one who is being annoying."

"Annoying? I told you to feed our daughter and you didn't."

"And I said you do it. I did it this morning."

"That doesn't mean-" I cut myself off. "It's fine. I'll feed her." I sighed.

She rolled her eyes and turned back around, heading to the stairs.

I walked around the couch and picked Bean up, then sat down and grabbed the bottle, shaking it a little as I got her laid in my arm. I flicked the cap off the bottle then guided it into her mouth. She instantly started drinking.

I looked away from her when I heard a sniffle. Bee was walking up the stairs.


"Come here love." I said. She came back down the stairs quickly and walked back over to me. My plan was to pull her on my lap, but Bean was there.

And Bee didn't seem to like that.

When she came over to me, she looked sad, now she looks irritated.

"What?" She asked.

"Sit down." I said and nodded towards the spot next to me. She huffed and sat down.

Bean drank that bottle pretty quickly, and when she finished, I laid her back down.

When I looked back over at Bee, I saw she was scrunched up, her knees to her chest, and her face on her knees.

I sighed as I stood up and picked up my sleeping girl, wrapping her limbs around me. She nestled her head into my neck and let out a sleepy sigh.

I carried her up the stairs and took her to our room, lying her down in our bed. I got the covers over her and she cuddled into them. "Are you laying down too?" She whispered.

"I can't love. Bean is wide awake right now." I said.


"I can't just leave her to sleep."

"Whatever." She mumbled.

I bit my tongue, stopping myself from trying to see what was her deal.

She's tired.

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