Chapter 11 Sirus

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This chapter is dedicated to CYNTHIANDANU2 who got us over the 5000 reads mark in book 1 :)

I side step the body parts hurled my way, as my father dismembers the unfortunate messenger in a temper tantrum. When there is nothing left but limbs and a barely-there torso surrounded by internal organs, he stops and catches his breath.

"Your daughter took out our weapons plant." He seethes. I keep my face blank, while internally laughing at her fucking up his plans some more. That's my girl! "I've also heard that Luka Constantina is one of her mates and the Dragon king and his whore have been found out."
He starts pacing, muttering angrily and I fight to keep the smile off my face. I have never seen my father so off his game. Eve has achieved what no one has before. She scares him. She is a true threat to his kingdom. He is suddenly in front of me, fangs bared angrily.
"Either imprison her, get her on our side, or kill the bitch!" He snarls. "She cannot continue to rise to power. You know the prophecy the whore told us. She's already claimed five of them and has control of the dragons, the Lycans, and the wolves. You know what happens if she claims the rest!" I stare at him, giving away nothing. He looks at me in disgust and stomps to his throne.
"Someone bring me the Dark Fae general."
One of the guards scurries off, as my father glares at me silently. He is weighing my worth and is clearly finding me lacking, the same as he always has. I don't give a shit. I will never harm my daughter again. I'll take my own father out if I need to.
My father diverts his eyes as the throne room door opens and the dark Fae general strides in and bows mockingly.

"You summoned me?" The hulking man sneers.

"I would like you to put together a team, the best of the best. Take out either Eviva Sonato or at the very least, her mates. The more the better. It's time to halt this prophecy in its tracks."
My heart drops at his words. Fuck.
The general lets out a bellow of laughter, his giant shoulders shaking with mirth.

"Aw, is the King scared of a little girl?" He chuckles.

"That little girl is rising to power and will end up ruling over us all, you imbecile!" My father roars. "Do you think your King would be happy knowing his general did nothing to prevent his fall from grace?"

"If I'm not mistaken the King is currently being assassinated by his sons." The general shrugs. My father's eyes widen.

"Why on earth would they do that!" He asks perplexed.

"It was time, they were ready. It's just the way we do things." The general's eyes slide to mine and I give a barely perceptible nod. Good, it's in motion. I was worried the princes wouldn't go for it.

When I had first gone to them, they had laughed when I suggested changing sides in the war. Until I presented my case and my daughter's. Chances were high one of them would be mated to my daughter. Even the demented dark Fae held their handfasted in high regard.
I still wasn't sure they would go for it, Acassus especially was unimpressed to find he would be sharing his potential bonded with a slew of other men. He said he only shared his things with his brother and only then sometimes. Mikyda however had been silent, thoughtful.

"We would need to remove father from the throne," Mikyda said at last. "He won't switch sides." Acassus looked at his brother surprised.

"You're truly thinking about this! We can just take her, without changing sides. Hell, this vampire might be full of crap and the girl is nothing to us!" Acassus snapped.

"But if she is and we are the enemy, then she would deny us. If we just took her, she would never love us." Mikyda reasoned.
Acassus had scoffed at the word love and called his brother an idiot empath. The brothers were so different from each other.
Acassus is a possessive domineering hellhound and Mikyda is a weaponized empath, able to drown and kill people with emotion. Both were dark-featured with almost native American looks, as opposed to the ethereal looks of the light Fae.

At least they looked human. A lot of the dark Fae were misshapen, twisted, evil-looking things, the stuff of nightmares. I was grateful at least that if my hunch was correct, my daughter had one of them rather than one of the others currently roaming our halls.
Although if I was honest, I would rather it be Mikyda than the terrifying hellhound.
I had taken my leave and left them to their glaring match, hoping the seed I had planted bore fruit. With the general's words, I knew it had.

"Well, at least they would be more active than the current King." My father mused.
"While I have had a long friendship with Avara, he was essentially a lazy King."
A portal made its way into existence and the two princes stepped through covered head to toe in blood.

"Father sends his apologies, he is no longer available to serve you." Acassus states, withdrawing a sack tied to his belt and upending it onto the floor. Avara's head rolls around like a macabre ball, before coming to a stop at the steps to the throne, sightless eyes directed at the man he was pledged to.
Mikyda kicked the head away and cocked his head looking at my father.

"The alliance you made died with him. As the new Kings, we choose to not continue on this path with you." My father laughed at Mikyda's words.

"You can't just sit out the war! This includes all of us. Those who sit it out will be treated the same as the enemy!" He roared.
An evil grin took over Mikyda's face and I realized for the first time he was actually more dangerous and a bigger threat than his brother.

"Oh, we have no intention of sitting out the war." Mikyda laughed lowly. He turned to the general, who immediately bowed with deep respect. "Tell our men we march now."
The general bowed lower still and immediately exited through a self-made portal.
My father spluttered indignantly from his throne.

"They will never accept you! The light Fae has never worked with the dark, you are sworn, enemies. The others will recoil from you nightmare creatures!" He laughed at them. "You will come crawling back and I will cast you aside. You will not survive turning your back on me!"
Acassus ignores him and strides to me.

"You're coming too." He states, his huge hand grabbing my arm and shoving me toward a new portal.
Hang on this wasn't part of the plan. I pull back, trying to free my arm. His eyes glow red, as he snarls a warning.

"You can't take my son! Guards, stop them!" My father orders.
But I am thrown through the portal and land on foreign soil before the guards have taken a step.
A pair of large feet appear in my field of vision and I look up to better view the giant before me.

"Well, well, well." The giant mused. "What do we have here?" I swallow, knowing it is time to face the music.

"Hello, Darius," Mikyda says, placing a restraining hand on my shoulder. "My brother and I have a proposition for you."
Darius eyes me gleefully.

"Really, I can't wait to hear it." Eve's mate replies, cracking his knuckles.

Unfair question of the week. How many mates will Eve have in total? Place your bets!

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