Chapter 27 Eve

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Sirus is running me through different secret passageways for easy moving around the Vampire castle, but my mind is drifting.

Today has not sat right with me.

There is no honor in what we did. As a warrior, honor is everything. We fight to defend our beliefs and our people.

To die on the battlefield defending those things is the highest honor. To die outside it, weaponless in a cowardly attack is not.

"Eve?" Sirus asks, his hand on my shoulder bringing me back.

"Sorry." I apologize. "You were saying." Sirus sighs, eyes studying mine.

"Eve something is bothering you, maybe a problem shared is a problem halved?" He offers. I Look at him, weighing up if I should unload myself onto him.

Sirus's eyes take on a pleading tone. While he knows we will never have what I had with my parents, we have respectful tentative friendship forming.

I know he wants to atone for his mistakes, anyway he can. Our blood calls to each other. Craving the family bond, but I still am cautious.

This time however I throw him a bone. He is desperate to play problem solving Daddy-o, and carry my burdens. So for once I let him. Hell he might surprise me. And he is a good listener.

So, I tell him the events of today, and how I'm not feeling right about it. He listens intently, nodding as I speak.

"What would you prefer, what would be the honorable thing to do, that would sit better on your conscience?" He asks.

"Honestly. I would rather they just chose their sides, and we all duke it out on the battlefield. We have the numbers now that the Dark Fae have joined us, we would win, but it would be more honorable." I tell him. Sirus nods.

"Maybe you should share these thoughts with your mates, get them all on the same page. But Eve, I also want you to think. If the prophecy said you would have ten mates, to unite the races and gain control over all to win the battle, there must be something about this battle that we haven't taken into account to deem that necessary." Sirus cautions.

My brow furrows, as I mull over what I haven't thought of prior to now. This is a valid point. What could king fuck face have up his sleeve.

"Do you remember him hinting to anything?" I ask. Sirus contemplates for a moment, before shaking his head. "Maybe it's just necessary to sooth the unrest then." I say hopefully.

"I doubt it." He says chuckling. "But it would be nice if that was all it was. Now how are things going with your mates, everyone getting along?"

"Yeah, for the most part we are good." I tell him.

"I'm sensing a but in here." Sirus queries.

"But... Luka." I say grimacing.

"Ah yes, the vampire mate. I thought you said you were making progress?"

"We are, and I think I'm ready. But the whole biting thing puts me off. I know he will feed from me when we, you know." A blush crawls over my face. "I'm worried I will freak out, and ruin it. He said there were three different bites. One that hurt's, one that gives pleasure, and one that's just pleasant. He's promised me the pleasant one, but still..."

"Maybe you could have one of your other mates there when you claim him, that way they could direct him based on the feelings you feed through the link." He suggests.

It's actually a decent idea, and my mind instantly settles on Reece. He's most in tune with me.

"I'll think on it, maybe suggest it to Luka. Thanks." Sirus is smiling, looking a little proud of himself for being able to come up with a solution. "I do have a favor to ask though."

"Hit me with it." He says, chuffed I need him for something.

"I would like you to bite me." His jaw drops, and I see the incoming protest gathering in his eyes, so I rush on. "Please, just on my wrist, while I'm lucid and not under duress. I just want to see if I can handle it."

"Eve, I really don't think-"

"Please, please do this for me. If I can handle it, feed on me a little too, and I can call it done on my prep list. I need to do this, to see if I'm truly ready."

Sirus runs his hand through his hair, agitated, jaw clenching. I take his hand in mine, as he takes stock of where my heads at. Watching me. Seeing my resolve. He nods.

"We will do this slowly, the moment I see anything I don't like on your face its done." I swallow hard and nod. I let out a shaky breath slowly, and squaring my shoulders I offer him my wrist.

Sirus takes it in his hands carefully, he parts his lips so I can see his fangs lengthen, and I quell the shiver of apprehension threatening to roll through me.

He keeps his eyes on me as he raises my wrist to his mouth. I brace myself for the bite, and feel his sharp fangs slide into the skin as though it were butter.

He raises his eyebrow in question and I nod. He takes his first suck, and I feel my blood being pulled out of me, but it doesn't hurt just feels odd.

The second suck, I relax, and by the third, I feel like I have a slight buzz going similar to the effects of having a few drinks.

I smile happily at him. I did it, I can do it. I nod for him to continue, part two of my agenda here now in play.

To feed the stubborn fuck, who's been refusing to feed as some sort of self-punishment.

I can see his skin become less tight over his cheek bones, his dark eye bags fade, his eyes sparkle, and healthy color blooms into his skin with every draw of my blood.

He pulls back and pushes his finger tip to one of his fangs, dropping blood drops to the puncture marks on my wrist, and rubbing it in, the indents disappearing in front of my eyes.

"There all done. You did well, you should be fine, but take one of the others with you just in case when you decide to claim him." He tells me. I nod and grin.

"Thank you. You look much better too." I say smugly. I see the penny drop.

"You little shit!" He grins, realizing I've made him end whatever the fuck it was he was trying to do to himself.

"You helped me, I helped you." I say shrugging. "It's a fair trade." He laughs deep belly laughs.

"Your definitely mine." He chortles. "I'm going to have to keep my eye on you."

"With this whole mate stuff, do you reckon the last two are brother witches like the Fae brothers? Or is there something else out there I don't know about?" I ask him.

I mean he's been alive longer than me, he might be able to solve the mystery.

"I would presume brothers. You would then have one of every type of supe. Unless it's a hybrid like you for the tenth, but then why the rest of the mates, if you could have all your eggs in one basket." He shakes his head dismissing it. "No I'm going to say brothers, or maybe sisters, or a brother and sister, nothing in the rules says it has to be a man, it does happen." Sirus smirks, and I scowl.

I'm appreciative of the female form, but I prefer a pole to a hole.

I'm pretty sure.

I think.

What would having a woman in the mix be like?

Sirus laughs again seeing my mind wandering over the scenarios. I give him the finger.

"Bonding time over, dick, things to do-"

"Women to consider." He cuts in.

I huff and walk out of his cell, locking it back up as I stomp off, the sound of his laughter following me.

But he's right, my mind is running over the possibilities.

Damn it all.

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