Chapter 12 Darius

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I look away from the nightmare creatures still trooping through the portals, while my stomach churns uncomfortably.

"You think Eve is one of your bonded?" I repeat back to them, hoping they are joking.
I had heard stories of the dark Fae, none of it good. I was hoping we were wrong about the dark Fae potentially being hers, too.

"I do. Her father seems to think so." Mikyda says. I glance at the man who was the cause of Eve's suffering, still sprawled on the ground. Kept in place by a behemoth paw of what Mikyda claimed to be a hell-hound, who was also his brother and fellow King.
Acassus was a giant black dog-like monstrosity, with glowing red eyes, smoke curling from its nose, fire showing through its cracked skin, and knife-like teeth on display. The damn thing was the size of a Clydesdale.

"And you brought him with you because...?" I ask, gesturing to Sirus.

"In case he lied. We don't tolerate rats in our camp." Mikyda grins.
I motioned four of my strongest guards forward. "Take him to the cells, four guards with him at all times." The hellhound steps back and Sirus's eyes meet mine.

"Is she ok?" He asks me quietly.

"That is none of your goddamn business!" I snarl. "After everything you did to her, you have no rights here!"
My fist crashes into his jaw, snapping his head back and I rejoice at the sound of his jaw snapping. I motion for the guards to take him from my sight. Bloody hell, this was going to be a mess once Eve learned he was here.
Mikyda looks at me questioningly.

"What did he do to her?"

"That we will discuss if and when I know you are trustworthy." The hell-hound growled and I flipped it the bird. "Same goes for you Smokey."

"Fine." Mikyda agreed. "Let us meet this woman collecting men like charms on a bracelet."

"Depends if she is willing to meet you. If she is, you will both be restrained for it." No way am I risking her walking into a trap. I flip out my phone and text Ly. He will know better how to deal with them. He portals in instantly.

"Bullshit!" He snarls, getting in Mikyda's face.

"Hello to you too, Lysario," Mikyda says, bored.

"There is no way either of you monstrosities belongs to Eve! You sick fuckers will not get near her!" The hellhound makes a huffing noise. His version of a laugh.

"We may not be as pretty as the golden court but I assure you, despite our appearances, we are still beings of thought, feeling, and reasoning," Mikyda replies calmly. Lysario scoffs in disbelief.

"There is not a moral bone in you or any of the dark Fae's bodies." he turns to me. "Iron will weaken them and restrain them."
I nod and fire orders through the link to Max to grab what we need. I also fire off a text to the witch's camp, requesting a way to block their portals and contain the army that's just arrived and is currently lounging all over my training field.

Even if this all turns out to be a mind fuck, I had Sirus in custody and I couldn't wait to get my hands on that prick. I planned to get to him before Garret did, or that greedy fuck would leave nothing for me.
I was glad Eve was currently with Garret and Dev, sorting out the dragon kingdom and the now ex-King and talking to the Oracle about this damn prophecy. They had been there for hours and had their walls up high. I had zero ideas what was going on, but I trusted them, even though the silence made me nervous.
I turned to Mikyda.

"So, if she is not yours, I suppose you plan on going back to the vampires?" I ask.

"We haven't decided yet." He shrugs noncommittedly. Bloody hell, we could do a lot of damage if we had them on our side.
Lysario's phone pings.

"They are ready to portal home." He says, glancing worriedly at the dark Fae. I pinch the bridge of my nose frustrated. Max rushes over with manacles swinging from his grasp.
Thank God.
We quickly secure a surprisingly willing Mikyda, then turn to the hellhound. Its tongue lolls out in a doggy grin, daring us to try it. The manacles will not fit on his huge ankles.

"Acassus, be helpful and let the paranoid idiots restrain you," Mikyda says, rolling his eyes. The hound grumbles and soon begins to shrink in on itself, transforming into a man, remarkably similar to Mikyda, and holds his hands out so we can attach the manacles.

"Get them to portal into the meeting hall. Explain what's going on. We will join you there." I tell Ly, who nods and disappears into a hastily formed portal.
I really hope Eve's had a good day because I don't want to be pouring more shit onto an already crap day if I can help it. The poor woman has enough on her shoulders.
I grab the hellhound by the arm and steer him forward. He glances at me appraisingly.

"So, this woman you all share, she got a nice rack?"
His brother swats his head with his bound hands before I can.

"Forgive my idiot brother, his manners take a while to recover after being in beast form," Mikyda says.

"No, I believe he's just an idiot - period," I say, glaring at the pissed-off man I'm towing along. I'm just glad he's moving under his own steam. He rivals me in size. Mikyda is also willingly walking alongside Max.
We open the door to Eve swearing up a storm in a sports bra and cargo pants, angrily tearing strips off the guys. They are all there, even Luka and Reece.

"I don't give a fuck if they are! This is turning into an actual damn harem. This has to be a joke! The fates are all having a damn laugh up there at my expense, I'm sure of it," Eve rants. Reece says something to her that I don't catch, the wind goes out of her sails and she flops on a chair. "Ten Reece! The Oracle said fucking ten of them! Can you believe that?" She laughs bitterly. Reece again says something softly to her. "No of course not!" She says grabbing his hand.
He smiles and kisses her temple and directs her attention our way. The hellhound shuffles his feet and leans into me.

"No wonder you're all ok with sharing." He whispers. "She has a great rack." He laughs as I growl at him.

Fucking mutt!

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