Chapter 21 Lysario

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Eve has begun to make female friends among some of the soldiers. They have taken to getting together at the end of the day for a drink, and they are just as crazy as her.

Today they are at their usual table, and the girls have decided to finally grill Eve on her group of men.

There are lots of giggles and blushing, as Eve discreetly admits, often there is more than one of us with her at a time, and a few sighs of envy when she explains how we all puppy pile in bed at night and watch star trek that she has us all hooked on. We sometimes turn it into a drinking game.

She is careful not to mention us by name and give personal nitty gritty information about us out, keeping it general.

Acassus and Mikayda waltz in, kissing her temples before they carry on to the bar.

"Have you, you know been with them yet?" The golden haired Fae asks. Eve nods grinning.

"Yup they official have the MINE stamp on their necks." She laughs.

"Did they make you bleed and lick your blood? Did it hurt?" The Fae asks with worry. Eve cracks up with deep belly laughs.

"Forget that crap the Light Fae have been feeding you. It's all a load of rubbish. They are very um, vigorous, satisfying lovers, and no blood was shed, except theirs when I marked them." Eve explains trying to hold her chuckles in.

"So, no extra appendages? Cocks normal? They didn't transform into beasts mid fuck?" Eve loses it again. "I'll take that as a no." The Fae laughs. Taking deep breaths to center herself Eve grins.

"Maybe you should try one of the Dark yourself, I think you would find yourself most satisfied Ralen." The Fae bites her bottom lip thinking, before I watch her gaze skittle over to one of the Dark Fae at the bar talking to Mikyda. Eve glances over.

"Yip he'd be good." She winks at Ralen.

The Fae they are eyeing up is human like, with red hair, and his forked tongue darts out to lick his lips after he sips his drink. He has black curved horns on either side of his head, and he is large and muscular.

"If he's anything like Garret, they know how to put those forked tongues to good use." Eve says conspiringly. Ralen shifts in her seat clearly turned on by the idea.

"Maybe I will." Ralen says taking a drink. "Light Fae are boring lovers. Fuck it! Wish me luck!" She takes her drink and saunters over to her mark, while Eve and the remaining woman laugh.

I sit there going over what they said, and wondered if Eve thought I was a boring lover. Then I realized she wouldn't know, we haven't been together since her heat, and she wasn't exactly coherent for that.

That meant I could up my game before she could take that conclusion.

I continued to earwig on the conversation as the other four woman grilled Eve on her harem of men. I learned Dragons had two penises, and wolves and Lycans knotted, and she loved all of that.

She loved that they dominated her in the bedroom most of the time, but she refused to let them dominate her outside of it. She loved having one on one time with them, but she admitted sometimes she would like it not to always be about sex.

She knew they had needs, but she wished sometimes it could be going out for a walk, going to dinner, the kind of stuff her and Luka were doing to ease into their relationship more.

It was very enlightening to say the least.
I knew then how I was going to one up the others, I was going to be her Romeo, I would date her, let her see she was the most important person in my life.

A couple of Dark Fae walk in one snake like with spikes, and the other blue skinned two faced with tentacles. Eve spots them and grins waving to them.

"Valray, Ina." She greets as they approach. "How was training?" She stands and hugs the blue man, and kisses the cheek of his second face, while she fist bumps the snake man. The blue man wraps a tentacle around her waist hugging her back.

"Aye Lass, that Max put us through our paces for sure. But I'm still standing, unlike when you run it." The snake man says with a laugh.
"Ina!" Acassus growls. As the blue man's tentacles start to slip towards Eve's pert ass. Ina swiftly removes them.

"Sorry, the other face controls them." He says meekly, while his other face laughs. Acassus huffs angrily.

"Well you and your secondary can stay away until he learns to behave." Isa bows.

"Of course my lord." Isa says backing away, while Valray and Eve laugh at him.

A tentacle thumps Valray, and playfully swats Eve's ass as Isa turns and rushes out the door with Acassus right on his heels.
A chuckle slips past my lips, and Eve's head turns my way.

"Ly, what are you doing hiding in the corner alone? Come and join us." She says smiling.

Mikyda comes up behind her, cuddling into her and placing a kiss on her neck. My eyes narrow at his possessive action, and I get to my feet and go over to them.

"I didn't want to disturb your girl time." I say, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "I was going to grab you later though, and see if you wanted to go to dinner? Off base, somewhere different. I thought it would be nice to get to know each other better." Eve grins at me, and I know I have her. She nods eagerly.

"Yes please, that would be lovely!"

"Shall we leave in say a hours time?" I ask.

"Shit, I better go and get ready. Magda give me a hand?" She asks one of the Dark Fae women, who nods excitedly, downing her beer, and jumping up.

The poor woman looks like she ran into a brick wall, with her smooshed-up face and floppy ears. I do not have high hopes on Eve looking her best if the Fae is helping.

She kisses my cheek, and Mikyda's before the two women scurry out of the bar.

"Where are you taking her?" Mikyda asks.

"There is a lovely human restaurant in London I think she would like. Don't worry I'll have her back before she turns into a pumpkin." I tease.

"Be good for you both, clear the air, get you both on the right track." He says surprising me. He looks at my raised eyebrows. "I care about Eve, she cares about you. It's important all of us are one the same page with her wellbeing and happiness, don't you agree?" I nod.

The brothers have been slowly turning my opinion on the Dark Fae. We even had a very drunken question and answer session to rule out fact from fiction on what we were taught about the other.

"Best get ready for our girl then. Treat her nice or I'll knock your head off if you upset her." Mikyda says, nudging me towards the door.

And there it is, end of our Fae bonding session for today. I laugh and head out.

I smirk when I see Acassus in hound form taking a nap on top of the blue man, who's tentacles a wriggling angrily. That will teach him for touching our girl.

I duck through a portal, and enter my room back in my realm, going through my clothes, I pull off my traditional garb and switch out to a white shirt, leather jacket and black jeans, and boots. Tidy casual, but my Fae looks, make it look upper class.

I check in with my siblings, and check my father who is still hanging in there, before I leave. I portal back to base and wait outside the house for Eve.

"You look good." She coos in my ear. I spin to face her, and my mouth waters.

"You look delicious." I say, running my eyes over her.

"Thanks, Magda picked the dress, and did my hair, I can't take credit." She shrugs.

I know just by looking at her that it's going to be a struggle to keep this as a romantic date, and not a dive into her pants.

Magda does not play fair. I suck in a breath and steel myself for the night ahead.

Opening a portal, I offer her my arm, and we step through.

Let the romancing begin.

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