Chapter 14 Eve

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Lysario has been avoiding me like the plague. Luka said he has some hang-ups about the dark Fae being with me, something to do with a long-standing feud between the light and the dark and what they are taught from birth.

Personally, he needs to get over it, whatever it is. That came out wrong. I think they need to sit down with a bottle of tequila and hash it out. Two sides to every story and Ly needs to hear theirs. Acassus and Mikyda don't seem to be bothered in the least about Lysario being my mate too.
The dark Fae race has been surprisingly lovely to deal with. They are a fun-loving, hard-working group. Mikyda is actually hilarious once he gets talking and is so mischievous.

Acassus bops around in his hell-hound form quite a bit. He's quite terrifying until he flips on his back demanding a belly rub, laughing with his huffing noises as Mikyda berates him for using his hound form to gain skin contact with me.
I'm currently working out in the gym. Acassus sits in the corner watching alertly like a good monstrosity of a guard dog should.

The gym door swings open. Three men? Things? Walk in. One man is covered in scales like a snake, with no nose, just holes. He has wicked-looking claws and spiked horns running over his shoulders and back.
Number two has bluish skin, half his head warps out to the side to form a second head. He has three arms and four legs and tentacles that scramble out of his back, touching and exploring as he moves.
The third one's face is a moving fluid mass where facial features form and disappear just as fast. His arms and legs are longer than they should be, then short. They are quite the attention-grabbing trio. Also, very obviously, dark Fae.
The horned snake guy comes to a halt and crosses his arms when he spots me. I notice Acassus melting back into the shadows observing and giving the illusion I'm alone.

"Well, go on with you lass. Scream, panic, whatever it is you're going to do, so we can all move on and get our sweat running." His Irish brogue is musical to my ears.
I grin and grab a towel, wipe off my face and dismount from the treadmill. I walk over and extend my hand.

"Hi, I'm Eve." He looks at me shocked, as one of the blue man's tentacles intercepts my hand and shakes it. My vines peek out of their tattoos and extend to shake the other tentacles.

"Ahh, your that Eve." Snake man says, eying my vines. "Hmmm, thought you would be taller, maybe a little scary."

"Sometimes I am," I say with a shrug. "Right now, I'm just normal Eve."

"You're clearly not normal, Eve." Says the side head on the blue man. "No one talks to Dark Fae unless they are dark Fae too."

"Clearly they are all idiots," I respond.
The liquid man burbles a laugh like water running over rocks. A pleasant sound and pops a solid-ish arm over my shoulder.

"I like her!' He gurgles.

"So what were you guys going to do here? Weights, sparring, running, weapons training?"

"How about sparring with us little girl?" Blue man's main head offers.

"Don't accept that." His other head scoffs. "I would hate to see a lovely thing like you broken and bleeding on the floor."

"No, it's fine. I have some things I've been wanting to try." I assure them. Positioning myself in the circle on the ground. Mentally calling forward the different parts of me and hoping they will fight together as seamlessly as I wish.
The men spread out in the circle and when I look up to meet their eyes, my dragon peers out at them, my Lycan claws lengthen and the start of my fangs peek out as I grin at them. My vines dance out from my three tattoos at the ready. Human-sized dragon wings unfold from my back.
Snake man loosens his stance and gapes at me.

"Hmm, you're a tricky one aren't you, a little devil in disguise." He laughs. "Alright lass, let's see what you can do then."
They leap at me at the same time. I jump and land behind them. A swift flap of my wings allows me the extra height I need. My vines surge to attack the blue man's tentacles, a wing shoots out to knock over the snake and I slash at the fluid man.
The fluid man reforms immediately, lips coming forward to grin, before disappearing again. I blow out a quick gust of lightning, and he literally explodes.
Snake man rushes me, yanking one of the sharp horns out from his shoulders and throwing it while kicking out at me. I catch his missile and stab it into his incoming leg before shoving him backward. My vines have happily tangled the blue man up into a tight net and the water boy is slowly drawing his puddles together and reshaping himself.

"Bloody hell lass, remind me to stay on your good side." Snake man says, grunting as he extracts his horn from his thigh and tosses it away.
Acassus huff-laughs, easing out from his shadowed corner, as I fold my wings away and retract my teeth, claws, and vines. I pat his head as he nuzzles my hair.

"My King." The blue man bows. The still-forming water boy bows the larger part that is together, while the snake man glares.
"You dinna think to warn us, your grace, that your bonded is more monster than we?"
Acassus transforms smoothly and pops an arm over my shoulders.

"Why would I spoil her fun Valray?" He chuckles.

"I think we should take her back to camp. I think she deserves a drink, don't you?" Blue man offers.

"Oh yes please!" I say, grinning.

"Are you not scared of us perverted monsters lass?" Valray asks.

"Sometimes the real monsters are the ones that wear the prettiest faces. So, I guess you three are safe to be with." I grin.

"Are you implying we aren't pretty?" Water boy gurgles, finally back in shape.

"Beauty is everywhere when you look for it. Your laugh is beautiful, his scales are beautiful and his tentacles are iridescent like a rainbow and are beautiful. So yes, you are pretty. But I was more implying - you aren't safe with me." I laugh.

"Can't say I've ever been called pretty before." Blue man's second head mutters as they lead me out of the gym to their camp.

"This thing I'm unfortunately attached to is Calbot. The Puddle of goo over there is Wardner and I'm Scully."

"It's a pleasure to officially meet you all." I beam, excited to be taken into their fold. "So tell me, do you guys know many drinking games?"

"Does a Griffin piss!" Wardner gurgles.

"Wait griffins are real?" I ask.

"Oh boy, we have a lot to teach you." Calbot laughs.

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