Chapter 39 Garret

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I land on the training field, transforming instantly, eager to get to Eve. I could have had Ly or the brothers portal me back, but I needed the peace and tranquility flying gave me to get my head out of its funk. Even though my brother had turned traitor, I mourned his loss. He had been there urging me to hold on, longer than anyone thought was possible, so I could find Eve.

I understood his betrayal in a roundabout way. I would do anything for Eve too. Love made us do all kinds of fucked up things to protect the one we loved. The loss of Divina was also hard. One of the few unafraid of me. I just wished she had admitted to me she was his chosen mate in the early days, maybe I would have been more prepared for what had happened.

I grab a pair of pants off the line, and shove them on, before throwing open the back door and racing in. She is canoodling with Luka at the sink. Luka swiftly moves aside as I close in, turning her to me and lifting her onto the bench. Her eyes flash to her beautiful blue dragon's eyes and she trills happily, my body purring to her in response.

My lips crash into hers, tongue exploring her mouth, my arms crush her to my chest, cock already hard as I grind myself between her parted legs. Three days was three too many away from her. I am desperate to possess her. Re-stake my claim.

You might want to hold fire Darius chuckles in the link. We have company. I snarl against Eve's mouth, frustrated someone is going to keep me from her. I pull back reluctantly and look over her shoulder at the man sitting at the bench.

"Who the fuck are you?" I demand, pissed at myself for not noticing the new scent in my desperation to get to Eve. Dev grins, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh, this is Carino, Eve's witch-"

"Warlock," the man butts in.

"He fancies himself a one-man band. Doesn't like to share. Reckons he's going to take her from us." Dev continues.

"Does he now." I seethe, letting my dragon peer out at him. I look at Eve, she's become quite comfortable with letting the others watch. I wonder if she would allow me to prove my claim in front of him. I ask her through the link and she grins widely at me. She figures it would either get him to fuck off or get him to embrace his fate. She nods her consent.

I'm going to take Eve here, make sure he stays put and watches. I tell the others. There are chuckles around the table and the Witch, sorry, Warlock, looks at us confused. I take Eve off the bench and turn her, bending her over the top. My hand trails down and pulls her pants down. I admire her already wet pussy, my tongue slipping out to lick my lips. I glance at the newcomer and let him see my tongue extend and fork. I hold my chuckle as his eyes widen. Now he knows he will never be able to please Eve as I can.

I go down to my knees and attack her honeyed center. Eve responds instantly, moaning and trilling and I growl against her pussy, overcome with lust and my need to possess her and prove to this moron who she really belongs to. I lead her to orgasm four times before I let up and lick my face clean. I pull my sweats down, springing free, painfully hard. I roll on the rubber Luka discreetly hands me and thrust into her. I thrust hard and furious letting her orgasm quickly. I snake my hand around her neck holding it firmly so she can look at the warlock, so he can see what I do to her. I let my cock separate into its two heads, feeling her shudder as I anchor myself. I know her eyes have widened and then rolled back in ecstasy. She loves this part.

I jackhammer into her, the two heads making her feel impossibly full. She claws at the bench. Reece grabs a hand from across the bench and Dev does the same. She squeezes their hands hard as she approaches the edge, her eyes never leaving the Warlock's face, who Dev informs me is sporting major wood that he's having to frequently adjust.

I feel Eve starting to quiver around me and I fist her hair, pulling her up, sliding my teeth into my mark on her neck, growling possessively as I glare across the bench at Carino. Eve shatters around me, setting me off as she clamps down and pulsates through her orgasm, milking me dry. I pull my teeth free, and lap the blood at her neck, purring contentedly. My cock goes back to its human form and I withdraw, making Eve squirm. I pull her pants back up and then my own.

"You look like you need more coffee Angel," I smirk, taking in her flushed dreamy face. She smirks back.

"I've discovered a quicker way of getting back my energy." She glances at Luka's eyes glazing. She nods at him and walks behind me jumping onto my back and pushing my hair aside. Her fangs enter my neck and lust floods my body, my knees buckle and I grab the bench so I don't go down in a heap. She's feeding on me. My purrs go haywire, overwhelmed by sensation. Knowing my blood is now coursing through her body and I'm even more a part of her than before. My eyes roll and I feel myself explode, shuddering at the force of it.

"Mi Amor is a quick learner, si?" Luka laughs. I nod breathlessly as Eve releases me from her bite, jumping back down to the floor.

"Welcome home handsome," she says, licking her lips and grinning. She looks alert, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed. I hug her to me. Home is wherever Eve is.

"Do you understand why you can't take her from us?" Dev asks the warlock. "She belongs to us all and we belong to her. You can never compete with what we have here. You can never make her happy with only you. This is a balancing act that works. You will never take her from us."

He looks around the room, taking us all in like he's seeing us for the first time, and nods.

"You're right. I will try to find my place." He looks at Eve like she is a puzzle he wants to solve. "This goes against every fiber of my being. I need you to be patient with me, allow me to adjust, and find my way." Eve nods.

"There is no pressure, no race to the end. I'm sure the guys and myself can answer any questions and listen to any concerns and insecurities. We are a family here."

"Do you think you can share after all?" Acassus asks with a sly look. "Did you feel angry at Garret for taking her in front of you?"

"I don't think anger was quite the emotion he had." Reece laughs. "Fucker is still pitching a tent in his pants." The warlock's jaw clenches and he looks momentarily ashamed.

"Hey now, none of that" Eve says gently. "The guys all like to watch too, it's like foreplay to them and it's normal in our bond to not be jealous of the others sexually. Sharing becomes more natural as time goes on. This is all new territory for you, but you will figure it out with time. Once upon a time, it was all new to us as well. Meanwhile, we can all get to know you and you us."

Carino nods, relaxing slightly and I snuggle up behind Eve, happy to have her close.

"So fill me in angel, what have I missed while I was away?" Eve tenses and my eyebrows raise. Jesus, what have I missed?

"Baby, why don't you and Lysario show Carino around and we will fill Garret in." Reece offers. Eve nods quickly, extracting herself from my arms while my brows furrow. Something bad has happened, bad enough that Reece doesn't want Eve to go through telling me herself.

"Acassus!" I hiss.

"Yep already on it. You know I won't let her out of my sight." He heads over to Eve taking her hand, as Ly grabs drinks for them out of the fridge. Carino nods to us in farewell. We sit silently until we hear the front door close behind them.

"Tell me everything!" I growl.

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