Chapter 46 Darius

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We lay in wait all day, scouts checking the forest, men hiding in buildings, the main force just outside the border, and two teams with us. Eve sits in my lap shredding blades of grass. She has been stuck to me like glue, our mutual bond to Reece pulling us tight together for comfort. I duck into her mind and see her plotting ways to kill the King, and boy do I admire her creativity. Then her mind shoots sideways as she imagines what they are doing to Reece. I jostle her or start talking, to pull her away from the disturbing images.

The King waits until the very last minute to arrive through a portal on the grassy mound they had watched us wage battle on last time, with Belestine coming after him and an unconscious Reece dragged between them. Eve is on her feet instantly.

"Belestine's been harvesting Fae souls to use portals," Carino tells us. Lysario growls in a way I've never heard from him.

"My brothers, he killed three of them." Shit, that's right. My eyes flicker to Ly and I nod my head to him respectfully, while grabbing Eve's arm who is chomping at the bit to get to Reece, so she can't march over there and get herself killed.

"Come granddaughter we have terms to discuss." The king calls out.

"Discuss them from there," Garret calls back. Carino places a necklace over Eve's head and tucks it down her top.

"Stay at the bottom of the hill. This will fling up a barrier if Belestine throws a spell at you." He kisses her forehead. He turns towards the hill. "Belestine I believe we have things to discuss as well, you have been using forbidden magic."

"I have been doing what the dark circle was born to do, by the time we have brought the world into the new era, your rules on our kind will cease to exist and neither will your circle of shadows." Belestine sneers.

"Eve!" The king demands. I walk forward with her. "Alone!" Eve squeezes my hand and lets it go. As she walks away she looks back and I see it on her face. She is prepared to die here today if it means her mates and her people walk away. My heart clenches in my chest.

Don't you dare Eve! I roar through the link. She slams a wall down in her mind shoving me out. I start after her, only to be held back by Garret and Dev.

"Reece once told me after I flipped out, that I should trust Eve more, so that's what I'm going to do," Garret says gruffly.

"She's going to give her life for ours!" I exclaim.

"Our girl's smart, she said she's going to wing it, it won't come down to that. Eve is fated to lead. Trust in her," Dev agrees. I scowl and pull my arms free but stay put while I watch the love of my life walk toward certain danger and my body screams at me to throw her over my shoulder and get her far away from here. There is this feeling of foreboding coming over me. This will be life-changing and nothing will be the same after today.

She stops at the base of the small hill. Her eyes are on Reece who's starting to stir. I tug on my link to him gently, letting him know I'm here. He slowly raises his face and I flinch, they have taken one of his beautiful blue eyes, leaving a gaping raw hole. Eve goes to step towards him but catches herself remembering Carino's words. She straightens her shoulders.

"State your terms." She growls out.

"You will hand over the kingdoms you already control, you will be at my beck and call and there will be no further resistance. Oh, and you will hand over my son for his betrayal." The King demands.

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