Chapter 38 Carino

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I stare up at the waning moon.

What did she mean - I can't avoid my fate? If she thought I was shacking up with her harem of men, she had another thing coming. I was an assassin, the best of the best. Walking the line between the dark and light circles. The circle of shadows. The judge jury and executioner of my kind when they go too far and the destroyer of our enemies.

When I had first been contacted and requested to look into the dark circle and their extermination of a wolf pack, I had ignored it. The dark circle would only act like that if the pack had warranted it. When I was approached again with the news they had taken children, who couldn't be traced by spells or scrying, it piqued my interest. The sacrifice of children was a big no-no in both circles, which is what I suspected they had been taken for. This meant Belestine was gearing up for something big, something forbidden.

When I looked into the initial attack, I found it to be a cowardly attack. One where they hadn't even been able to defend themselves. The reason for the attack, I was informed, was because the dark circle was moving against the light. They had sided with vampires in a power play and this unfortunate pack had chosen the side of the light.

When I had checked the child last night, I had noted the tearing of the soul. Not the release of a soul in death, but one harvested in life while frozen in time, before the lethal injection was delivered and they were reanimated. I hadn't told Eve of the harvesting of the children's souls, she was devasted enough. So I tried to give her peace in the knowledge they were for all accounts in a deep sleep and unaware when their lives were taken.

Seeing Eve's flame burst into light to match my own had momentarily left me awestruck. That is until she snuggled into the giant behind her. She had a mate. It wasn't entirely unheard of. On rare occasions, wolves did have two mates. I was pissed when he stopped me from telling her who I was to her, but being the guest and understanding the pain she was in, I understood his intentions. Even though I just wanted to comfort her and remove her pain.

Instead, I found myself confronted by yet another mate and then my heart dropped when I learned of her harem. It was a solid no from me. I may have considered sharing with one. Two was pushing my limits. But eight was just laughable. There was no way. I briefly considered asking if I could just have her sent to me on weekends, but realized I didn't like the idea of that many men touching what was mine. I could understand the four shifters sharing. Animals at heart, they would follow the mate bonds bidding. I was surprised at the three Fae and the Vampire going along with it though, with them having no animal instincts. And though vampires did soul bond - Fae did not. Regardless of their reasons, I would have to convince my flame, she should come with me for a peaceful less complicated life. I would provide for her and see to her every need, ensuring nothing harms her or even worries her. Just pure happiness and contentment.

I have spent the night getting the light circles appointed proxy to spill all the information he has on Eve. I discover quickly that Eve is a mover and a shaker. She is the leader of this fight against the vampires. While I had seen her in a moment of weakness, the everyday Eve is far from weak. She will never allow me to bubble-wrap her and spoil her. She is more the type to tag along as I take out targets, or try and beat me to them. I am going to have to approach the situation carefully.

I have been sitting in the gym deep in thought. The shadows wrap around me so I am not disturbed. When Eve comes in and attacks the nearest punching bag. I watch her, amazed at her strength and disturbed by her anger. Her mates come in as the bag breaks and the emotional dam inside Eve gives way. This is a deeply tortured soul showing its pain. Part of me is amused as she lays into her mates with her fists, blinded by anger and hurt, but the other part of me knows this is not normal for one soul bound. They never hurt their mates. Which is why I intervene. Once they have her pinned I drain her of the emotions she is drowning in. Letting her mind still, so she can get her bearings.

I think of the knowing smirk she has given me. Devlin was right. I have to tread carefully. Eve will indeed pick her teeth with my bones. A soul as tortured as hers will not allow itself to be backed into a corner. She will fight me every step of the way. I glance over to the pack house, shrouded in shadow as the occupant's sleep. At least she will sleep tonight without the amount of emotion I had siphoned from her.

The sensation of being watched crawls over my skin and makes the hair at my neck stand on end. I quickly whip my head to face the front, startling hard as I come face to face with a giant demented dog. A hell-hound. Something from myths and legends. More intimidating and terrifying than speculation had led me to believe. It huffs in my face, amused it has caught me off guard before it smoothly transitions into a hulking man. One of Eves's Dark Fae mates.

Sitting on the bench beside me, he extends his hand. Unfazed by his nudity.

"My name is Acassus." He informs me, "My brother and I are the kings of the Dark Fae." I reluctantly shake his hand, waiting for him to crush it, but he keeps the shake firm and brief. "I get it, you know. I was against sharing too. The only person I ever shared with was my brother. Even then, only sometimes. Meeting Eve turned my world upside down. She is my everything. She accepts me and loves me, despite what I am. I am not the King or a hell-hound in her eyes. I am her lover, her soulmate, and her guardian. I keep her safe. She has brought the Light and Dark Fae together as one people for the first time in a millenia. I share her bed. I fuck her. I worship the ground she walks on. She is my everything. Since our bond fully kicked into place, I find I am not bothered by the other men. We have become a team, one of us with her always, all of us have different roles and different ways of doing things. It's become a well-balanced group. There are rarely disagreements, with the exception of Eve disagreeing with us. We all get along and it just works. Not only that, but you can't contend with us. We are fully bonded, you are currently nothing to her but a minor blip on her radar. Reece, the blonde wolf, was with her all her life. Do you think you can compete with his love for her? Darius's dominance? Fuck, wait till you meet her possessive Dragon. We are a walk in the park compared to him. And to be frank, if you try to take her away from us, we will kill you ourselves. Just thought you should know before you try and stake your puny independent 'mine' claim."

He pats me on the back and stands up, transitioning back into his hound form and heading off to check the safety of the area. I watch him snuffle around for a bit until satisfied. He lopes back to the pack house. I stay there mulling over his words. So, there is still another mate to meet. I wonder if I did fully mate with Eve if I would be agreeable to the others being with her, as the hell hound is.

I sit there seeking answers in the dark until the light brings with it the truth. Eve's situation is far from normal and I can either get on board or be left behind. I wait until I can see curtains being pulled before I head to the pack house. I knock and then follow the sounds of voices into the kitchen.

The vampire is cooking breakfast, the Lycan is gathering plates and utensils and putting them on the breakfast bar, and the giant wolf making up a pot of coffee. There are a few glances when I walk in and I see the vampire smirk, but otherwise, they go about their business like a well-oiled machine. The Fae brothers come downstairs talking animatedly to the light Fae who is laughing at their words. They too glance at me and move on, setting up cups and grabbing out milk and sugar. One grabs the first pot of coffee and the giant starts up another.

The blond wolf comes down carrying a sleepy Eve, legs around his waist, head tucked into his neck. He carefully sits and repositions her to sit sideways, the giant carefully handing him a full mug which I place in her hands, making sure she has a firm grip before he releases it. She slowly stirs to life, sniffing the coffee and taking a sip while the wolf strokes her hair. They make small talk, plan their day, check emails on their phones and update the others on any news. Once Eve has finished her first coffee she is promptly handed another and the vampire puts a plate of food in front of her. She eats and finishes her coffee, while her mates saunter over from time to time, sneaking kisses. No one acknowledges me. I am simply an observer, seeing how they interact, getting the feel of them all.

Eve takes her plate up to the sink and starts rinsing as her vampire grabs her hips from behind kissing up her neck. She looks happy, and content.

Acassus was right, there was no way in hell I was going to be able to pull her away from them.

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