Chapter 26 Devlin

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"Come on sweet cheeks, move your fine ass, times getting away from us," I say, slapping Eve's firm rump as I walk past, causing her to yelp.

"I'm coming, I just wanted to finish this cheesecake before we go." She groans, stuffing another forkful quickly in her mouth.

"Portal's already open and waiting, Darius has already gone," I warn.

She pouts and looks longingly at her dessert. Then steeling herself. She lovingly strokes her obsession gently with her fork.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." She promises it in a whisper before she grudgingly puts it in the fridge and glares daggers at me. I roll my eyes. God forbid I get between her and her one true love. I mean I love cheesecake too, but Eve's on a whole different playing field.

She walks towards me scowling. Jesus, if I don't calm her down, she's going to go off like a rocket at the meeting. I need her calm, at least for the beginning.

"I'll buy you another one when we get back," I promise.

I swear she would live off cheesecake if the others weren't making sure she was eating right.

"Boysenberry please." She says, a smile lighting up her face, and takes my offered hand, instantly happy. I nod and we go out the front door to where one of the Fae has kindly opened a portal.

We arrive in the hallway outside the conference center in my land. I can hear loud chatter already, as the alpha wolves and the Lycan blue blood all reacquaint themselves.

I hope they enjoy the comradery, heads will be rolling before this is over. Literally.
This is a calculated move to take down more of the enemy lines.

"Ready?" I ask. She bites her bottom lip and nods hesitantly.
I pull her to me in a demanding kiss, thrusting my tongue into her and mating it with her own. When I pull back, she is breathless and flushed, eyes alive with lust.

"You are the single most important person here. You are beautiful, strong, and smart. You own their asses. You are their Queen. Remember that. You bow to no one." She straightens her shoulders and lifts her chin. "Good girl."

I push open the door and lead her to the thrones at the end of the room. The gathered men stand as we enter, bowing and staying in that position until we turn and take our seats.

"Be seated." I boom through the room. They sit in one smooth movement. "Thank you all for coming. I have called you here to meet in the flesh, the woman I'm sure you have all by now heard rumors about. May I present to you Eviva Sonata, the sole survivor of the Lightning Ridge reigning family, head warrior, my mate, and your Queen. You are here to pledge your allegiance to her as you did me."

"You expect us to kneel to a wolf!" My sister asks appalled.

"Well, no. You I now expect to grovel." I say, smirking at her. "Eve is no wolf, she is a hybrid. Actually, that's not quite right either. She is a chimera."

"That's just a polite way to call her a mutt." My sister sniffs. Then blanches when she sees Eve smiling evilly at her. I'm pretty sure Eve's imagining using her intestines as a scarf right now. Stupidly she soldiers on. "Mutt or chimera if you prefer, she's not strong enough to rule the Lycans. She's not of blue bloodlines. She's not good enough for you."

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