Chapter 22 Eve

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When Lysario guides me into the high-end human restaurant, I am taken aback by the way the humans treat him. They bend over backward to accommodate him like he is royalty, which he is, but they don't know that.

The humans already dining, whisper among themselves and steal glances as we are seated. Our waitress pours us wine and hands us menus, before leaving us to it. I take a sip of the wine and hum happily as the flavor bursts on my tongue. Ly extends his hand to me and I slip mine into it.

"This is lovely Ly. I must admit I was surprised when you asked me to come out. I didn't think any of you were interested in dates as such, since we all live together."
Lysario shrugs and smiles.

"I have a lot of groundwork to makeup and I have struggled to see where I fit in the mix at times. I heard you talking to your friends and realized I could be the one that was softer, gentler, and more patient. One that could romance you. So, I figured I should make a start. It's a good way to get to know you better, rather than just know your body." He says honestly. "I find you fascinating and I want to know everything about you."
This guy just earned himself massive brownie points. I see movement behind him and notice an overdone human heading our way. You know the fake ones with the oversized boobs, hair extensions, caked-on makeup, and revealing clothes.

"Excuse me." She says excitedly. "Are you Lysario Vertes?" Ly sighs and turns.

"Yes but-"

"OMG! Will you sign my menu?" She jumps excitedly and I'm worried those balloons on her chest are going to escape the meager confines of her dress.

"I'm sorry, not tonight. I'm here to have dinner with my lovely wife and I just want to enjoy the night uninterrupted. I will sign one and leave it at the front for you when I go." He offers.
Plastic barbie's eyes narrow and her eyes flick to me. She sizes me up, before leaning into Ly's ear and whispering.

"When you're ready for a real woman, call me." She smirks at me, as she withdraws her hands that have made their way to his chest. My eyes narrow at the contact and I'm about ready to jump up and yank her extensions off her head, or pop those beach balls on her chest.
Lysario stands swiftly, causing her to stumble with her close proximity. He waves over a waiter while smiling at me apologetically.

"I was under the impression, this was a place we could come and eat without being harassed. Please do something with that." He says pointing to the now red-faced woman. "Oh, and here." He hands her a folded-up napkin. She grins triumphantly and allows the waiter to lead her away. I raise an eyebrow.
"It's her number she slipped in my pocket, folded in a napkin." He says, sitting and retaking my hand while I laugh. "I do apologize. I did a stint of modeling a few years back and did quite well. Unfortunately, I'm still recognized. I chose this restaurant as all the higher-ups go here, so there's no fan girling, well normally." He grimaces.

"I could see you modeling, you have the look they love. Why did you choose to get into that?"

"Boredom mostly." He grins. "Our realm is incredibly boring when you have lived in it as long as some of us have."

"How old are you exactly?" I ask him curiously, sipping my wine.

"Roughly Seven thousand and something." I choke on my wine. He swiftly gets up and pats my back. "You alright?"

"Talk about an age gap." I gasp out between splutters. He chuckles at me.

"Worried?" He asks.

"No just surprised," I admit. "You must have done and seen some amazing things."
We order our food and spend two hours trading stories of our lives. He has me in fits of laughter with some of the things he has done to alleviate his boredom. He is attentive and a great listener. Neither of us wants the night to end and we stroll along the bank of the river Thames hand in hand.
I learn he can speak in many different languages and he begins to whisper sweet nothings in my ear in French, then Italian, and lastly Spanish. Boy does that do things to my lady parts. He kisses me sweetly when we stop and sit at a bench and hands me a beautiful bunch of sunflowers from a florist we passed just before.

"So if you have been around so long, what will you do when you bore of me?" I ask him grinning.

"I sincerely doubt that will ever happen. You are the single most fascinating person I have ever met. The way you think, the way you move, the way you always sniff your coffee before you drink it. The way you look, the way you smell, the way you touch. You are an obsession there is no end too. I love your fire and your passion, the way you challenge me. I love you utterly and completely." He takes my hand and pulls me to stand up. I look into his eyes and see the sincerity in them.

"I love you too," I admit as we continue our stroll. This time with his arm around my shoulders. "Sometimes I think there's no way I can love anymore, then another mate comes along and my heart manages to take the leap. I worry a lot that there is only one of me and so many men. I worry if there is enough of me to go around and if they are all happy and satisfied."

"We are all madly in love with you. We are all learning to communicate better, adjust and read each other's queues. Believe me, you are more than enough. We struggle to handle you, that's why you need so many of us I think." He laughs.

"How are things going with Mikyda and Acassus?" I ask.

"Better, I understand things more. It's a work in progress. I still have a knee-jerk reaction when they are near you and touching you. But it's only a quick lapse. We had a hilarious tell-all drinking session one night. It was good, thank you for suggesting it." He smiles.

"I'm glad, it makes life a lot easier when we all get along and have each other's backs. Ly? Did you mean what you said about being the gentle one for me?" I query.

"Of course, I did. I want to be what you need and if you ever need me to be not soft, I can change gears too."

"What about what you need though Ly, I don't want you to be what I need, I want you to be happy."

"With you, I am always happy."

"I want..." I slide my arms around his neck and graze my lips over my mark on his neck, making him shudder. "I want you to show me how happy you are with me." I feel him swelling in his jeans, as he looks up at the dark sky, taking in a slow breath.

"Eve I wanted tonight to be about getting to know each other and solidifying our relationship. I wanted you to see I don't see you as just my bed partner. That I saw there was more to our relationship. Sex was not something I planned to have tonight. But I do have an idea."
He opens a portal and leads me through to a luxurious bedroom. I raise an eyebrow questioningly.

"How about a relaxing massage?" He offers.
I grin and undo my dress, crawling onto the bed. He mutters something about temptation and being fucked, as he grabs a dainty jar of oil, making me smirk.
Oh, he'll be fucked alright.

It may not have been part of his plan, but it's definitely become part of mine.

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