Chapter 45 Eve

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Tobias, who it turns out is Lukas's great- great- great- great Grandfather has stressed that he had to knock Sirus out to get away, as Sirus wouldn't leave Reece behind. While I could appreciate that, it didn't change the fact that they had gone in the first place. They had taken the bait the rest of us hadn't, thinking they knew something I did not. Of course, it was a ploy, that's why I was going ahead with the surrender so I could finish them off. Apparently, Reece and Sirus thought I was an idiot and had done exactly what the king had hoped we would do. I could throttle the pair of them. Sirus was racked with guilt, but only for leaving Reece behind, not for going in the first place. Idiot!

Then there is the unexpected news of Magda. I have a special hell waiting for that bitch once I got my hands on her. The brothers are furious too. But for now, I have to get back to my mate. The office phone starts ringing down the hall and I stomp off to pick it up.

"Eve," the King's voice greets me.

"Hey fuck- knuckle, your ears must be burning. We were just talking about you," I reply.

"You have my son."

"And you have my mate."

"We will meet as arranged, but the terms have changed," he chuckles.

"Yes, they certainly have." I agree. I was going to take a leaf out of Vlad the impalers book and shove a spike so far up the prick's ass.

"If I see you near my territory prior, I will kill him." he cautions.

"As long as you don't lay a hand on him, I'm sure it will be fine," I say, hating the idea of Reece being in the King's hands for even a moment longer.

"It's a bit late for that," he laughs. "But he will be alive. I'll see you in forty-eight hours granddaughter. May the odds be forever in your favor." The phone goes dead. Did he just quote the fucking hunger games catchphrase to me? I shake my head in disgust.

I stomp back to the lounge and jump into Darius's lap, seeking his comfort. Two days Reece will be away from us, having god knows what done to him. A tear slips from my eye and I wipe it away. One tear of sadness and worry. The rest can wait to become happy tears when I get Reece back.

"We gather the army, we go to Grant's pack lands and we wait. He's changing the terms of surrender. If we march on his land he will kill Reece." I inform the men. Darius curses and holds me tighter. "We march seven a.m Friday morning. We will wait there the day. No more surprises."

"What do you think he's after?" Ly asks.

"Our surrender and Sirus for Reece's life is my guess," I respond dully.

"You can exchange me for him" Sirus offers, speaking his first words since his return and actually looking at me. I glare at him.

"I know what you did yesterday. You gave me a goodbye day, Reece too," I huff angrily.

His eyes skitter away.

"What should we do?" Ly queries.

"What we do best, wing it."

I pick at my food at dinner. I have no appetite, knowing full well Reece will be going hungry. When bedtime comes I am lost. I always fall asleep on Reece. I move restlessly from mate to mate, but it isn't the same. My brain won't switch off. I get up and head downstairs, pouring myself a bourbon. I sit down at the back doorstep, pulling Luka's smokes from the plant pot he stashes them in and light up. In my mind I caress Reece's link, willing it to wake up, pouring my love into it.

Arms surround me, startling me. Darius plucks the cigarette from me and takes a deep draw on it as he settles in behind me, before handing it back.

"He's strong kitten, he can hold on for two days. Then we will get him back and kick his ass ourselves."

I snort.

"I'll do more than kick his ass," I say seriously.


"No sleep for you either huh?"


"I'm scared," I admit.

"Yeah, me too kitten." I lean back into his arms, letting his warmth surround me and his size protect me.

"You guys are going to be useless to us if you don't sleep." Carino's voice says from behind us. I shrug, I mean I'll still kick ass, but what can you do when your body won't let you rest. "I can help you know. It's a simple spell, dreamless sleep guaranteed," He offers. Darius nudges me.

"I think we should, he's right we are going to need it," I sigh. They are right. I'm just scared of not being able to monitor Reece's link if I'm sleeping. I nod reluctantly. Carino leads us to one of the spare rooms and motions for us to get comfortable. I climb up on the bed beside Hulk and drape myself on him. I stifle a sniffle, wishing for Reece. My heart hurts with worry. My body shakes as I fight down the emotion. Darius tightens his hold on me.

"Can you take the edge off for her first?" He asks. Fingers touch my temples as Carino siphons my emotions away, enough to push the panic down.

"I won't take it all, you have every right to be upset and worried. I'll just take enough for you to function." Carino whispers in my ear. He mumbles something under his breath and I relax, closing my eyes and sinking into blissful sleep.

It feels like I blink and it's morning. The sun shines happily through the window. Darius lies propped on his side, watching me. I smile and then Reece enters my mind, chasing my smile away. Darius strokes my cheek understandingly.

"Come on Kitten, let's get you caffeinated so we can organize this army." I nod and follow him out of the bed.

It is a subdued atmosphere as we prepare everything throughout the day. We have no real idea what to expect tomorrow. I prep the teams and organize as many fail-safes as I can, until we are as ready as we can be. But my gut tells me there is no way there won't be collateral damage, regardless of how much I prepare us all.

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