Chapter 37 Eve

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"I want his fucking head on a platter." I roar, slamming my hands down on the table. "In the terms of surrender, state 'his life in exchange for sparing the lives of his people' otherwise I'll march the fucking army and flatten his kingdom! I'm not screwing around anymore!" To say I was angry would be an understatement. Last night I cried for hours after we had returned from burying the children and their Alpha. An entire pack was wiped from the face of the earth with the flick of a warlock's wrist. In the light of the new day, the sadness has given way to rage and I am struggling to contain it. I feel like I am going to burst at any moment. "Oh and the warlock? I want his head too, put that in there as well!"

"Belestine, will not give himself over in surrender Eve." The witch proxy cautions.

"Good. Means I can retrieve his head myself." I state, crossing my arms.

"And then innocent vampire lives will be lost when you march the army. Then, when it's over, you'll realize what you have done and as the anger settles, you will hate yourself, Eve." Sirus says calmly, being the voice of reason.

"Darkness inside all of us, remember Daddy-o? You don't know how deep mine reigns yet."

"Enough Eve! You might have enough to do it, but it would destroy you after and you know it." Sirus growls.

"If he is dead, then it would be worth it. At least then he can never harm another innocent again." I shrug.

"Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say we aren't prepared to pay the price. You mean too much to all of us to destroy who you are." Reece says.

"Tell them they have a week. If they accept, we will meet on Grant's lands to accept their surrender, next Friday at dusk. Just the two of them alone and unarmed. In exchange, we will allow their people to survive."

"Eve, you need to work it off. Go hit the gym, you're too ramped up. You aren't thinking clearly." The Dark Fae general orders.

"I disagree, I believe I'm thinking very clearly. Half my pack is gone and all of Grant's pack is gone. The attacks on other packs have numbers dwindling. How many, General, are you willing to let die? How long will we stand here on the defensive, twiddling our thumbs? Would you still be calm if it was your race being eliminated? I say it is time to become the attacking force. Move this fight off of our lands and onto theirs." I say, my voice deathly calm.

"Eve, I'm telling you this is a bad move." The general replies, sticking to his guns. I stare at the ceiling and count to ten.

"You were all onboard earlier!" I snarl.

"A peaceful surrender, you are calling for heads to roll." The general snarls back.

"Sirus-" I begin.

"Not daddy-o?" he asks tilting his head.

"I'm pissed off, so your Sirus," I explain, making him chuckle. "I want you to call Grandpappy's office." The smile leaves his face immediately.

"Eve!" he growls.

"I won't call for his surrender. I want to show you all who and what we are dealing with, trust me." I say calmly. "Please?" Sirus sighs and picks up the office phone.

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