Chapter 28 Eve

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I enter the house deep in thought.

"About time you got here." A familiar voice calls out.
My head jerks towards the source. The Oracle waggles her fingers at me, as she sits on the couch grinning.

"Fuck, you better not have any more mumbo jumbo bullshit to spring on me," I grumble. She throws back her head and laughs.

"No Eve, purely social, I promise. I've come to collect on that drink you offered."

"I'm pretty sure, I rescinded that when you shoved the fate of the supes on my ass." I snark. She stifles a giggle. "Meh fuck it, I could do with a drink. Let's do it." I motion for her to follow me and walk side by side to the bar. "You look good, much better than when I last saw you," I tell her.

"Yes, I'm back up to where I was before Adele pulled her shit. I feel good. Figured it was time to visit. I've never had a female friend, they all tend to steer clear of me. I scare them." She admits. "But the fates said you would be a good one."

I look at her in the weird clothes she manages to make look amazing. Her blond dreadlock hair is adorned with beads, bones, charms, and feathers. Her tribal marks are painted onto her skin and odd jewelry is around her neck, wrists, and fingers.
She's slim, toned, with soft curves, and looks to be about my age. She's unusual but beautiful. I know what she looks like beneath those clothes, after cleaning her up when we thought she was dead. She doesn't scare me.

"Meh, they are just jealous because you're hot." And she really is. See, this is me admiring the female form, but not having any urges to want to do more about it. Suck it, Sirus!

"You're very kind, wrong, but kind."

"I'll introduce you to some of the girls if they turn up, you will see. Maybe dragon women are just stuck-up bitches." I laugh, ushering her in the door.
The bar is pretty full already. I spot Magda waving to me from a table and wave back. I turn to the bartender for tonight and realize it's Max.

"Hey, stranger, guess you got the short straw tonight." I greet. "Haven't seen much of you." He seems startled to see me and averts his eyes, mumbling something about being busy training his groups. He's acting off like he's uncomfortable being near me.
I place an order for a bottle of tequila, shot glasses, four beers, and a bottle of Johnny Walker. Max grabs what we request and thrusts it at us, before racing off to serve someone else.
I raise an eyebrow. Why is he acting so weird? We are friends. Well, I thought we were. I raise my eyebrow and look at the Oracle. She shrugs innocently, but her eyes say something else.

"Out with it." I huff. But she shrugs again smiling. "Have I told you lately you're a pain in my ass?"

"All the time Eve." She titters, helping me collect our supplies and following me to the table Magda's holding as ours. She however doesn't share her secrets.
I introduce her to Magda and Penelope, one of the witches. The Oracle surprises me and introduces herself as Poppy.

"Really? Poppy?" I ask bemused. "I mean I know you weren't born Oracle, but Poppy? Didn't see that coming."

"My dad liked opium." She says shrugging and smiling. I erupt into an unladylike snort and belly laugh.

"Huh! Guess that explains why you're so fucked in the head." I quip.

"Takes one to no one." She throws back, making me crack up again.

"Sup bitches!" Ralen calls, draping her arm around my shoulder. She takes in the booze on the table. "Fuck, I'll kiss my ass goodbye now. Shit's going to get real tonight!"
She plops down into a spare seat and introduces herself to the Oracle, while I pour the tequila and pop the tops off the beers.

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