Chapter 33 Luka

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Eve is so cool calm and focused, as she deals with this latest tragedy. As much as I hate to admit it, Sirus is good for her. Eve organizes for the heads to be taken down and taken to Grant's pack lands for burial. She raises the numbers in patrols, calling in the other races to make up mixed teams.

Max is working alongside her to get everything in motion, creating the bigger teams and giving detailed instructions. Max is one to watch. He's been off for a while now, either going out of his way to avoid her or suddenly needing her attention. He looks at her with curious eyes when he thinks no one is looking. But we have all noticed it.
Darius is perplexed by it, as Max had a mate who died. He shouldn't feel a pull to anyone. He's hoping Max is just lonely and has taken to her because he respects her. But at the same time, the fact that he reacted to her heat is grounds for concern.

Eve dismisses everyone and heads back to the house, talking with Poppy about how she thinks the heads arrived and her suspicions about the dark warlock. Poppy suggests it might be blood magic at play which is very dangerous. I frown, wondering how deep into the darkness the dark warlock is prepared to go.
We head in and clean ourselves up, arriving freshly showered back to the living room. When I arrive, Eve is talking quietly to Sirus and he is smirking and patting her shoulder as he nods.

Eve catches my eye and nods to the back door. Garret grins and tosses me a cigarette pack off the coffee table. It's become mine and Eve's thing. An excuse to chill, talk, and bond and I find myself looking forward to it each night.
We light up and sit on the steps. Eve rests her head on my shoulder, looking up at the stars. I can't resist leaning and kissing the top of her head.

"You good?" I ask her. She nods.

"Surprisingly, yes." She says tilting her head up and smiling. "Later maybe not so much, but for now it's all tucked into a box to deal with later. I need to focus, not let the emotions of what has happened roll me over."

"You sure that's a good idea bottling it up? Some of that emotion could be good for motivation." I tell her a little worried.

"For now, yes and believe me I am motivated. Just have my thinking pants on." Then she changes gears. "Sirus and I had a really good talk. He gets me and I get him. I forgave him today, you know?" My eyebrows shoot up. That was a big step. "I can tell, thanks to Mikyda's gift, that he's genuine. I know it eats him up inside, what he did. He has a darkness inside him, he knows it's there and he knows he's capable of doing terrible things and enjoying it. Unfortunately, so am I. We somehow balance each other. Weird but it works."

"I think all of us have darkness in us, some more than others," I say, resting my chin on her head. "Just depends if we choose to act on it."

"Do you think you have darkness inside you? You seem so calm and collected." She tells me pulling away to look into my eyes. Almost like she's trying to spot the darkness hiding away.

"Oh, believe me, it's there." I chuckle. "I just choose not to let it loose. I stay in control at all times."

"What if I want you to let it loose." She teases. Nibbling on her bottom lip. "What if I want you to lose control?" I see the look creep into her eyes that I've seen appearing there more frequently of late. Lust.

I groan, trying to keep myself in check when all I want to do is crush my lips to her, and do dirty things to her body. Very dirty, glorious things. My mind treks off to remind me of the sensation of being in her tight pussy, of her lips on my cock.

"Maybe I will for you." I tease back. Jesus, my hand's going to be getting a workout tonight in the bathroom before I head off to bed. It has most nights if I'm honest, whenever the craving for her hits, which has become a constant roar in my head of late.

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