12 - Okay

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Shock was the correct way to describe Ian's reaction when he discovered his neighbor worked at Roche-Sumner. As a happy cellar dweller, he rarely emerged to the surface so he wouldn't recognize anyone who worked in the offices above.

Their encounter had been interesting, but he felt disappointed she was working longer. He had to stand back before he did something stupid. He covered his face with his hand, because he had. Did she know he remembered her wet comment? If he kept breathing in her feminine scent, he would be stupid and not flaccid. The only thing that kept his dick from going rogue was the energy it took to control his ire over the help desk. He was a techie, but he wasn't oblivious. Those guys were up to something and he planned to get to the bottom of it.

By the time he reached his building, he had a course of action. First step was research. He glanced at the dark basement apartment. Ainsley, he knew her name, was still at work.

Felix greeted him. He measured out his diet food and looked in the freezer for himself. When he cooked, he always made extras for another night. Because his knee didn't ache, he should cook, but his fridge was empty. His order came on Saturday morning, and he was meeting some friends after work on Friday. The less time he spent preparing food, the more time he could confirm his hunch.

On Friday afternoon, he left work on time. Hopefully, Ainsley wouldn't need his help. When he set out for work in the morning, he hoped to see her. Thinking of Brooke, he would offer to take the red line with her. Two acquaintances commuting together. It wasn't a date, but it would be a big step for a shy computer guy.

When he entered the bar area of the local restaurant his friend, Josie, was sitting at a table in the back. He smiled because computer geeks didn't like the middle tables.

She stood and greeted him with a hug. "Hey stranger. What's new?"

"Nothing like what's new with you?" He pointed to her pregnant belly. "Where's Seamus?"

"Working late like always." She frowned. "He promised me his first release will be done before this one is ready." She rubbed her belly affectionately.

"When he's rich and famous, it will all be worth it."

The three were friends at MIT for four years, but Seamus got the girl. Seamus had his own startup, and Josie worked for a large tech company for the health benefits.

"So how's single life?"

He glared at her. "The same as it's been since we met."

"Come on, you've dated. Remember lovely Rachel."

He smiled. "She was a disaster."

Josie laughed. "She was just a little possessive. You didn't complain at first."

He blushed. "I was nineteen, of course I didn't complain." He was a late bloomer, she was his first a lot of things.

"Then there was psycho Sue."

Ian knew she was making her way to his last relationship. He didn't need to revisit his inability to commit. "Seriously, we are not taking a trip down memory lane of my dating mistakes. No wonder I don't mind being single. My dad is dating!"


"Yup. I think it's serious too."

Josie smiled. "I'm happy for him. He's so cute."

"Cute?" Did women see his dad as cute or handsome?

"Sweet. Hey, does his dating bother you? I know you two are close. Closer than any other parent and child I know."

"It's weird. But if he's happy I'm happy. I'm relieved she said no kids. It would mortify me to have a sibling at thirty-four."

"You should find a woman and have your own kid."

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