39 - New rule

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Ainsley stirred. She felt damp and heard breathing behind her. She had dreamed of Ian. They had been floating together. When she slowly turned her body, his sleeping face greeted her. He had dark circles under his eyes, but he looked beautiful. Was she still dreaming?

His eyes fluttered open, and he smiled. As he held the straw, she had a vision of her drinking. Her mind was foggy, but she knew he had taken care of her.

With the thermometer in her mouth, she tried to remember why she was surprised to see him. Her mind couldn't think straight. When she sat up, she felt dizzy. Alone in the bathroom she looked like a ghost and her urine was nasty and dark.

She moved like her legs were made of lead. The sofa looked like a lifeboat in a storm. Cold. She felt so cold, as she shivered. The blanket. Was he real?

She looked at her phone. Why did she need it? Her alarm went off. It was seven. Time to get up, she shivered. Too cold to work, she texted Catrina. Still sick. Her phone slipped out of her hand, as she shut her eyes.

"Drink." She opened her eyes. He kept putting a straw in her mouth. It felt cool going down her throat. His cool hand touched her forehead. It was ice and melted from her heat. She moaned when the coolness disappeared. The straw and the beeping. Sleep.

She opened her eyes. Ian sat on the chair with his eyes closed and his laptop resting on his thighs. Underneath his eyes were dark. She felt a longing for his face; she had missed it. His eyes fluttered open, and he smiled.

Her face fell as she sat up. She reached for the glass of clear liquid beside her.

"How are you feeling?" His voice cracked.

She closed her eyes. Her head pounded and her body ached. "Awful." She stood, and he jumped up. "I need to pee."

He sighed, his jaw relaxed. It hurt as she stepped to her bathroom. She heard his voice.

"She has a fever... Sleepy." He looked up. "Lilli wants to know if you threw up."

She shook her head, but it caused her to wince. "Hurt. Everywhere."

"She has body aches and a headache. No cough." His eyes looked away from her. "I don't know. We haven't talked. I'll keep you posted."

"She called you? Where's my phone?"

"Charging. Do you want crackers or toast? Your bed has clean sheets or the sofa."


Without warning, he picked her up and cradled her in his arms. She put her head against his chest and tears leaked out. Memories came back to her. One word came out scratchy. "Henry."

His face deflated and looked as weary as she felt. He tucked the covers around her. "Here's your phone. You still have thirty-four unread texts. I can read them to you. You have texts from your mother. Something about dinner. Lilli and momma boy, who is sick.

Her eyes flew open. He reached out and handed her the phone. She kissed momma boy. His text said he had a fever since Sunday. Luckily, he was at his mother's. She replied. I feel like I died. He responded. Sorry. Are you alone? She frowned. No. Him. He sent a smile emoji. Remember, guys are idiots.

If she had the energy, she would laugh. "Is everything okay?" He bit his bottom lip.

"He got me sick."

"Are you? Did you go out with him on Saturday night?"

Her eyes widened. "You know?"

His eyes dulled. "My father was out to eat. He saw you."

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