17 - Cousin

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Ainsley woke with a smile on her face. It had been a long time since she had good sex, like maybe forever. Her theory about men in their thirties proved true. She had spent her twenties hooking up with eager guys, but very few lasted longer than a one-sided tumbling session. There was nothing selfish about Ian. Ian. Ian. She didn't have to wait by the phone or debate calling him, because they had made plans.

Maybe she should have stayed, but she didn't want to scare him. Neither were looking for a serious relationship, except she wanted to see him right away. First a shower, so she would look pretty. Whatever she wore she hoped their clothing wouldn't stay on long.

Ainsley wanted to call Lilli and tell her all about it, but she hesitated. First, her best friend was away, like always. She knew Lilli would blow the whole thing out of proportion. Her friend would create a great romance where one didn't and couldn't exist. Neither she nor Ian were looking for the until death do you part.

She reached for her phone and smiled to see a text. A frown took over. His cousin? What was it with this guy and his family? He seemed so perfect, but he had one flaw, family. She was closer to her friends, but could Lilli ever cause her to give up a day of sex? Not likely. She had Zach to lean on. Maybe if she and Zach fought, but those lovers never fought. Zach found Lilli's crazy antics adorable. Ainsley frowned. Ian laughed at all her jokes.

She felt a cocktail of emotions, but none made sense. Why did she feel so disappointed? They were casual. She couldn't feel jealous because it was his cousin, and they were casual. Zach called Olivia his cousin and Lilli was jealous of her. Ainsley wouldn't want Ian to meet Olivia. The sorority sister offered everything Ainsley didn't, except she lived in NYC.

Ainsley laid back down. She faced an entire day with no plans. Maybe she should call the guys to see if they wanted to meet for lunch. Unable to fall asleep, she looked at her phone. She had notifications from the dating app. The last thing she wanted was more blind dates. Was competing with Ian's family worth it? Being with him was better than any blind date she found through the app.

She distracted herself watching mindless videos one after another. Feeling restless she set out for a walk to treat herself to a latte. The foamy beverage was a high caloric splurge she rarely had. Alcohol was her preferred vice. There was a breeze that made it cooler than the day before. She sipped as she returned to her basement apartment debating calling Rhys.

Ainsley stopped walking. Ahead was Ian smiling as he walked with a young girl. She imagined a lot of reasons he had dumped her for his cousin, but not because she was a child.


When he looked at her, his smile caused a hum deep down. He might have been happy with the girl, but he had a special smile for Ainsley.

"Hi there. Brooke and I were going to grab some lunch."

"Ian, who's your friend?"

"This is Ainsley. She lives in the basement apartment."

The girl stuck out her hand. "I'm Brooke, his cousin. I know he's old, but our family is weird."

Ainsley laughed. "Is Ian babysitting you?"

"I'm too old for a babysitter, but my dad wanted to go watch football instead of hanging out with his only child."

Ainsley stifled her laugh with her hand while Ian's eyes danced in amusement. "She's ten going on twenty."

"Keep her away from the acne boys. They are twenty going on ten."

Ian's eye lost his sparkle. "Not funny."

A weird feeling hit her tummy. Ian said he didn't want kids, but he would make a good father. "Sorry, not funny."

Brooke looked from Ian to Ainsley. "What? Do you want to come to lunch?"

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